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   KanjiTalk7 444                                                     names. See character names
   KS X 1001:1992 445                                                 newline 50, 54
   Latin. See Latin character set, standard                           nonbreaking space 1000
   Mac OS KH 445                                                      nonprinting 54-55
   non-Latin 426, 691                                                 null (NUL) 50, 952
   PDF 49-50                                                          number sign (#) 57-58, 419, 950, 1099
   Unicode, conversion to 470                                         numeric 463
character spacing (Tc ) parameter                                     percent sign (%) 50-51, 950
   Tc operator 987-988                                                period ( . ) 180-181, 677, 725, 950, 952, 1117
character spacing parameter                                           plus sign ( + ) 161, 419
   and horizontal scaling 400                                         quotation mark ( " ) 196, 398, 400, 407, 988
   and quotation mark (") operator 407                                regular 49-51, 57
 394, 397-399                                                         right angle bracket ( > ) 50, 53, 56, 59, 69, 97, 182, 713
   Tc operator 398                                                    right brace ( } ) 50, 176
   text matrix, updating of 410                                       right bracket ( ] ) 50, 58
                                                                      right parenthesis ( ) ) 50, 53-54, 409
characters 388
   accented 425, 457                                                  ruby 463
   apostrophe ( ' ) 160, 196, 398, 400, 407, 988                      selectors. See character selectors
   backslash (\) 53-56, 179-180, 182, 409, 660, 952                   sets. See character sets
   backspace (BS) 54                                                  slash (/) 50, 56, 58, 139, 151, 179, 181-182, 458, 714,
   bullet 1000, 1111                                                      959
   and bytes 49                                                       space (SP) 48, 50-51, 56, 94, 399, 402, 417-418, 704,
   carriage return (CR) 48, 50, 54-56, 60-61, 91, 94, 959                 891, 895, 1058, 1099
   codes. See character codes                                         special symbols 463-464
   colon (:) 180-181, 960-961                                         tab. See horizontal tab (HT)
   currency 1000                                                      underscore ( _ ) 181, 417
   Cyrillic 463-464                                                   white-space 48-50, 56-57, 69, 352, 1129
   delimiter 49-51, 57                                                yuan symbol (¥) 442
   dollar sign ($) 442                                             CharProcs entry (Type 3 font dictionary) 370, 421-423,
   ellipsis (…) 1082                                                      429
   em dash 895                                                     CharSet entry (font descriptor) 458, 469
   encodings. See character encodings                              check box field dictionaries
   escape 54                                                          Opt entry 688
   euro 1000                                                       check box fields 685-688
   exclamation point ( ! ) 69-70                                      normal caption 642
   form feed (FF) 50, 54, 56                                          Off appearance state 686
   glyphs. See glyphs, character                                      value 686
   Greek 463-464                                                      Yes appearance state 686
   hangul 464                                                         See also
   hanzi (kanji, hanja) 462-464                                           check box field dictionaries
   horizontal tab (HT) 48, 50-51, 54, 56
   hyphen ( - ) 888, 895, 1000                                     checked PrintField attribute 934
   illuminated 936, 944                                            CheckSum entry (embedded file parameter dictionary)
   jamo 464                                                               186
   kana (katakana, hiragana) 463-464                               Chinese
   Latin 462-464                                                      character collections (simplified) 446
   left angle bracket ( < ) 50, 53, 56, 59, 97, 182, 713              character collections (traditional) 446
   left brace ( { ) 50, 176                                           character sets 433
   left bracket ( [ ) 50, 58, 1129                                    CMaps (simplified) 442-443
   left parenthesis ( ( ) 50, 53-54, 409                              CMaps (traditional) 443
   ligatures 425, 474, 936, 944, 995                                  fonts 419
   line feed (LF) 48, 50, 54-56, 60-61, 91, 94, 959                   glyph widths 439
   line-drawing 463-464                                               hanzi (kanji, hanja) characters 462-464
   minus sign ( − ) 161                                               R2L reading order 578

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