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   Ordering entry 435, 445, 462                                 for shadings 305, 307
   Registry entry 435, 445, 462                                 for soft masks 547
   Supplement entry 436, 445, 462                               specification 245
CIDSystemInfo entry                                             specular highlight 248
   CIDFont dictionary 435, 437-438, 449                         (standard RGB) 256, 562
   CMap dictionary 435, 448, 1111                               for transparency groups 241, 557
CIDToGIDMap entry (CIDFont dictionary) 437, 445                 See also
                                                                    CalGray color spaces
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) 237
                                                                    CalRGB color spaces
CIE 1931 XYZ color space                                            ICCBased color spaces
   and CalGray color spaces 245-247                                 Lab color spaces
   and CalRGB color spaces 248
                                                            CIE colorimetric system 244, 1155
   CIE-based color spaces, semantics of 244
   implicit conversion, bypassed in 259                     CIP4 (International Cooperation for the Integration of
   and Lab color spaces 251                                         Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress)
                                                                JDF Specification 478, 975, 1155
CIE 1931 XYZ color space
   soft masks, derivation of 547                            circle annotation dictionaries 625, 631-632
                                                                BE entry 611, 631
CIE 1976 L*a*b* color space 85, 250, 252                        BS entry 631
CIE-based A color spaces 245-246                                IC entry 631
   color values 245                                             RD entry 625, 632
   decoding functions 246-247                                   Subtype entry 631
CIE-based ABC color spaces 244-245, 247, 250, 263           Circle annotation type 615, 631
   color values 244                                         circle annotations 615, 630-632
   decoding functions 244, 247, 249, 251                        border style 611
CIE-based color spaces 237, 244-262                             border width 631
   as alternate color space 267, 270                            dash pattern 631
   as base color space 263                                      interior color 631
   blending in 519, 562                                         See also
   CalCMYK 244                                                      circle annotation dictionaries
   CIE 1931 XYZ. See CIE 1931 XYZ color space               Circle line ending style 630
   CIE 1976 L*a*b* 85, 250, 252
                                                            Circle list numbering style 933
   CIE-based A 245-246
   CIE-based ABC 244-245, 247, 250, 263                     CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean)
   color conversion, control of 480                             character collections 446-447
   color mapping mapping function 479                           character sets 433
   and color specification 235                                  CMaps 442-445
   decoding functions 244, 246-247, 249, 251                    fonts 419
                                                                glyph widths 439
   default 241, 257-258, 563, 972
                                                                See also
   device spaces, conversion to 307, 477-479
   diffuse achromatic highlight 248
   diffuse achromatic shadow 248
   diffuse white point 246-248, 251
   and flattening of transparent content 576                CJKV Information Processing (Lunde) 448, 1157
   gamut mapping function 248, 479, 484                     CL entry (free text annotation dictionary) 624
   as group color space 562-563                             class map 858, 874, 913
   implicit conversion to device colors 259-260             ClassMap entry (structure tree root) 858, 874, 913
   initial color value 245                                  clear-table marker (LZW compression) 72-73
   inline images, prohibited in 354                         cleartomark operator (PostScript) 467
   and overprinting 284
   for page group 543                                       Client-Side JavaScript Reference (Netscape Communica-
                                                                    tions Corporation) 709, 1157
   parameters 245
   process colors, rendered as 480                          Clip marked-content tag 911
   rendering intents. See rendering intents                 clip operator (PostScript) 988
   setting color values in 287                              clipping 35-36, 234-235, 401-402

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