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   color space arrays prohibited in 240                                page object 146, 153, 215, 370, 850, 977, 1035, 1057,
   color space, selection of 236                                           1104
   common programming language features, lack of 45                    pop-up annotation dictionary 617
   compatibility sections 152, 985-986                                 signature dictionary 91, 725, 727-729, 738, 740
   as component of PDF syntax 47-48                                    sound annotation dictionary 617
   data syntax 354                                                 continuous-tone reproduction 75, 84, 477, 480, 486
   external objects (XObjects) 332                                 controller bars (movies) 786
   filters, decoding with 151, 1098                                conversion engines (Web Capture) 960
   font characteristics 893
                                                                   Coons patch meshes
   fonts 151, 389                                                      See type 6 shadings
   form XObjects 151, 195, 355-357, 884-885
                                                                   Coons patches 321-323, 327-328, 330
   glyph descriptions 421, 423
   glyphs, painting 388                                            coordinate spaces
   images, painting 335                                                See coordinate systems
   and Indexed color spaces 262                                    coordinate systems 199-209
   indirect object references prohibited in 64                         3D annotations 832-835
   inline images 335, 352                                              for appearance streams 612
   in Linearized PDF 1035, 1041-1043, 1054, 1129                       coordinate spaces 199-204
   and marked content. See marked content                              rectilinear (measurement properties) 745
   marked-content sequences confined within 850                        relationships among 204
   named resources in 153                                              for soft masks 552
   natural language specification 938-940                              for type 1 (function-based) shadings 308
   operands in 35, 151, 194                                            See also
   operators in 35, 151, 194, 985                                          device space
   optional content in 370-373                                             form space
   at page description level 196                                           glyph space
                                                                           image space
   pages, describing contents of 146, 151, 884-885, 1057-
        1058, 1060, 1062, 1098, 1128                                       pattern space
                                                                           target coordinate space
   parent, of patterns 291-292, 294
                                                                           text space
   and Pattern color spaces 262
                                                                           transformation matrices
   patterns, defining 151, 292-294, 298, 302
                                                                           user space
   PostScript, conversion to 46
   PostScript language fragments 333                               coordinate transformations 202, 204-207
   printer’s marks in 966                                              cm operator 202
   procedure sets 842                                                  combining 206-209
   q and Q operators in 215                                            on glyphs 387
                                                                       inverting 209
   and resources 151, 153-155, 358
                                                                       reflection 199, 339, 981
   as self-describing graphics objects 193, 332
                                                                       rotation. See rotation
   shading patterns in 303
                                                                       on sampled images 337
   in structural parent tree 857, 869
                                                                       scaling. See scaling
   text operators 405
                                                                       skewing. See skewing
   text state parameters 397
                                                                       translation. See translation
   transparency group XObjects 552, 558-559
                                                                   Coords entry
   trap network annotations 975
                                                                       type 2 shading dictionary 309
   and trap networks 977
                                                                       type 3 shading dictionary 311
   type 2 (shading) patterns, absent in 220
   uncolored tiling patterns 289                                   Copy annotation usage rights 735
   unrecognized filters in 1101                                    copy operator (PostScript) 176, 990
content types (Web Capture) 954, 958-960                           copyrights 32
Contents entry                                                     cos operator (PostScript) 176, 989
   annotation dictionary 606, 615-617, 627, 637, 683, 943          CosineDot predefined spot function 490
   free text annotation dictionary 617                             Count entry
   markup annotation dictionary 617                                    outline dictionary 585

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