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generic hint tables, extended (Linearized PDF) 1048-1049             horizontal scaling 400
GenericFontFamily font selector attribute 894                        in right-to-left writing systems 890
GenericRot glyph class 463                                           simple fonts 412
“Geometrically Continuous Cubic Bézier Curves” (Seidel)              text matrix, updating of 410
         1154                                                        and text-positioning operators 407
                                                                     text space 409
Geschke, Chuck 24
                                                                     in Type 3 fonts 423
GET request (HTTP) 704, 956, 959                                     W2 entry (CIDFont) 440-441
GetMethod field flag (submit-form field) 704-705                     word spacing 399
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) file format 842, 946-           glyph indices 438, 445
         948, 951                                                 glyph names
Glitter transition style 599-600                                     glyph descriptions, TrueType 429, 431
“glyf ” table (TrueType font) 466, 468-469                           . notdef 429
glyph classes (CIDFonts) 462-465                                  glyph orientation
    Alphabetic 463-464                                               Auto 929
    AlphaNum 463                                                  glyph origin 394
    Dingbats 463-464                                                 positioning 406, 440
    DingbatsRot 463                                                  in right-to-left writing systems 890-891
    Generic 463-464                                                  and writing mode 395, 439
    GenericRot 463
                                                                  glyph space 203, 394, 420, 456
    Hangul 464
                                                                     displacement vector 395
    Hanja 464
                                                                     font descriptors expressed in 456
    Hanzi 463
                                                                     glyph widths 421
    HKana 463
    HKanaRot 463                                                     origin 394-395, 406, 439-440, 890-891
    HojoKanji 463                                                    text space, relationship with 394, 409, 420
    HRoman 463-464                                                   and Type 3 glyph descriptions 422-423
    HRomanRot 463-464                                                units 390, 394, 420
    Kana 463-464                                                     user space, mapping to 422, 927
    Kanji 463                                                     glyph widths 393, 395
    Proportional 463-464                                             in CIDFonts 437, 439-440
    ProportionalRot 463-464                                          CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) 439
    Ruby 463                                                         d0 operator 423, 986
glyph coordinate system                                              d1 operator 423, 986
    See glyph space                                                  default 437, 439
glyph descriptions 387-388                                           and horizontal scaling 400
    for character collections 434-435                                in printing 1109
    and character encodings 425                                      in reflow of content 1109
    in CID-keyed fonts 434-435                                       in right-to-left writing systems 890-891
    in CIDFonts 436, 438                                             in searching of text 1109
    color 423                                                        in simple fonts 412
    in font subsets 40                                               in Type 1 fonts 414, 1108-1109
    and graphics state 422                                           in Type 3 fonts 421-423, 986
    restrictions on 289                                              undefined 457
    text objects in 405                                              in viewing of documents 1109
    and Tj operator 390                                           GlyphOrientationVertical standard structure attribute
    in TrueType fonts 429-431, 438, 445, 468                             917, 929
    in Type 1 fonts 412                                           glyphs, character 387-388
    in Type 3 fonts 420-422, 1101                                    Adobe imaging model 35
glyph displacement 393, 395, 439                                     bold 460
    character spacing 398                                            bounding box 395
    in CIDFonts 440                                                  and characters, contrasted 49, 388
    displacement vector 395, 400                                     as clipping path 392, 401
    DW2 entry (CIDFont) 440                                          descriptions. See glyph descriptions

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