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    rendering intents 255                                                   structure element dictionary 858, 935
    “to CIE” information 255, 972, 1127                                     version 1.3 OPI dictionary 980
    transformation 255, 519                                                 Web Capture content set 954
    versions 253-254                                                    ID operator 196, 352, 354, 986
ICC profile stream dictionaries 253                                     Identity crypt filter 90, 117, 122, 132, 134-135
    Alternate entry 253-254
                                                                        Identity mapping (CIDToGIDMap) 437, 445
    Metadata entry 253
    N entry 253                                                         Identity transfer function 222, 498-499, 502, 504, 553
    Range entry 253, 287, 346                                           Identity transform method 714, 730, 737
ICCBased color spaces 237, 244, 252-257, 346, 972                       Identity-H predefined CMap 445, 447-448, 471
    (standard RGB) 562                                                  Identity-V predefined CMap 445, 447-448, 471
    alternate color space for 253-254                                   idiv operator (PostScript) 176, 989
    bidirectional 519                                                   IDS entry (name dictionary) 150, 947-950, 954, 961
    as blending color space 519, 557
    CIE-based A color spaces, representing 245                          IDTree entry (structure tree root) 857-858
    CIE-based ABC color spaces, representing 245                        IEC. See International Electrotechnical Commission
    color profile 252-255, 479                                          IETF
    as default color space 258                                              See Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
    as group color space 565                                            IF entry
    implicit conversion 259-260                                             appearance characteristics dictionary 643
    initial color value 287                                                 FDF field dictionary 719
    metadata for 847                                                    if operator (PostScript) 52, 176, 990
    process colors, conversion to 563
    rendering 478                                                       ifelse operator (PostScript) 52, 176, 990
    setting color values in 288, 987                                    illuminated characters 936, 944
    specification 252                                                   Illustration 3D render modes 816
    spot color components, effect on in transparency                    illustration elements, standard
         groups 564                                                         See standard illustration elements
    standard RGB 256                                                    illustrations
    and transparent overprinting 572                                        bounding box 896, 930
icon fit dictionaries 719-720                                               and page content order 889
    A entry 720                                                         Illustrator® graphics software 515-516, 542
    for dynamic appearance streams 643
    FB entry 720, 1121                                                  ILSEs. See inline-level structure elements
    S entry 720                                                         IM entry (inline image object) 353
    SW entry 719                                                        image coordinate system 337-339
icons, annotation                                                       image dictionaries 336, 339-348, 353, 1107
    See annotation icons                                                    Alternates entry 341, 349, 555
icSigCmykData ('CMYK') ICC profile color space 254                          BitsPerComponent entry 340, 344-345, 350-351, 555,
icSigColorSpaceClass ('spac') ICC profile device class 254                      588
icSigDisplayClass ('mntr') ICC profile device class 254                     ColorSpace entry 89, 240, 340-341, 344, 350, 555-556,
                                                                                568, 588
icSigGrayData ('GRAY') ICC profile color space 254
                                                                            Decode entry 89, 341, 350, 554-555, 588
icSigInputClass ('scnr') ICC profile device class 254                       decoding of sample data 315, 318, 320, 324
icSigLabData ('Lab ') ICC profile color space 254                           Height entry 89, 340, 351, 555, 588
icSigOutputClass ('prtr') ICC profile device class 254                      ID entry 342, 555, 961
icSigRgbData ('RGB ') ICC profile color space 254                           ImageMask entry 89, 337, 340-342, 349-350, 555
ID entry                                                                    Intent entry 260, 340, 555
    FDF dictionary 714, 1119                                                Interpolate entry 341, 346, 555
    file specification dictionary 183                                       Mask entry 341, 349, 351, 550, 555, 1107
    file trailer dictionary 98, 125, 127, 714, 847, 1103, 1126              Metadata entry 88, 342
    image dictionary 342, 555, 961                                          Name entry 342, 555, 1107
    page object 147, 961                                                    OC entry 343, 349, 374
    reference dictionary 362                                                OPI entry 342, 555, 979

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