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    3280 (Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure, Certifi-               source color 538
        cate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile)                and white-preserving blend modes 567
        700-701, 739, 1157                                            Issuer entry (certificate seed value dictionary) 701
Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure, Certificate and             IT entry
        Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile (Internet                free text annotation dictionary 624
        RFC 3280) 700-701, 739, 1157                                       line annotation dictionary 627
Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Proto-                 markup annotation dictionary 619
        col (TSP) (Internet RFC 3161) 699, 1157                            polygon annotation dictionary 633
Interpolate entry                                                     Italic font characteristic 893
    image dictionary 341, 346, 555                                    Italic font flag 458, 893-894
    inline image object 353                                           italic fonts 458
Interpolate function 170-171, 175, 344                                Italic outline item flag 587
interpolation                                                         ItalicAngle entry (font descriptor) 457
    bilinear 321-322                                                  ITC Zapf Dingbats® typeface 40, 295, 996
    cubic spline 170, 173
                                                                      items, outline. See outline items
    Gouraud 314, 318, 326, 1154
    linear 170, 322, 1105                                             ITU (International Telecommunications Union)
    in sampled images 341, 346-347, 351                                    Recommendation X.509 (1997) 1156
                                                                           Recommendations T.4 and T.6 77, 1156
interpolation functions 314
                                                                      IV entry (3D cross section dictionary) 820
“Interpolation Using Bézier Curves” (Elber) 1157
                                                                      IX entry (appearance characteristics dictionary) 643
intrinsic duration (multimedia) 770
InvertedDouble predefined spot function 490
InvertedDoubleDot predefined spot function 489                        J
InvertedEllipseA predefined spot function 492
                                                                      J operator 196, 219, 986
InvertedEllipseC predefined spot function 492
                                                                      j operator 196, 219, 986
InvertedSimpleDot predefined spot function 489
                                                                      jamo characters 464
Invisible annotation flag 608
IRT entry (markup annotation dictionary) 618-620                          character collections 446-447
IsMap entry (URI action dictionary) 662                                   character sets 433
ISO. See International Organization for Standardization                   CMaps 444
ISO-2022-JP character encoding 444                                        fonts 419
ISO Latin 1 character encoding 158                                        glyph widths 439
                                                                          kana (katakana, hiragana) characters 463-464
isolated groups 531, 537-539, 558
                                                                          kanji (Chinese) characters 462-464
    blend mode 539                                                        R2L reading order 578
    blending color space 531, 539, 557                                    ruby characters 463
    compositing in 538-539, 558                                           Shift-JIS character encoding 434, 449
    compositing of 539                                                    writing systems 919
    group alpha 539
                                                                      Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) X 4051-1995 911
    group backdrop unused in 538-539
    group color 539                                                   Java programming language 874
    group color space, explicit 562                                   JavaScript action dictionaries 709
    group compositing formulas 539, 544                                   JS entry 709
    group shape 539                                                       S entry 709
    group stack 539                                                   JavaScript action type 653, 709
    initial backdrop 534, 538-539, 558                                JavaScript actions 653, 703, 709, 1119
    knockout 541                                                          document-level 150, 185, 709
    object alpha 539                                                      invoking slideshows 787, 1124
    object shape 539                                                      and named pages 710
    page group as 542-543, 557                                            trigger events for 651-652
    pattern cells as 561                                                  See also
    for soft masks 547                                                        JavaScript action dictionaries

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