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   encryption. See encryption keys                                    text knockout parameter equivalent to 404
   name tree 161-163                                               Korean
   number tree 166                                                    character collections 447
KeyUsage entry (certificate seed value dictionary) 701                character sets 433
keywords                                                              CMaps 445
   endobj 64, 102, 993                                                fonts 419
   endstream 60-62, 993, 1100                                         glyph widths 439
   f 94, 1079                                                         hangul characters 464
   false 52, 58                                                       jamo characters 464
   n 94                                                               R2L reading order 578
   null 63                                                         KS X 1001:1992 character set 445
   obj 58, 64, 102                                                 KSC-EUC-H predefined CMap 445, 447
   operators 151
                                                                   KSC-EUC-V predefined CMap 445, 447
   R 64
   startxref 97, 106, 1031, 1038, 1051, 1075, 1077, 1080,          KSCms-UHC-H predefined CMap 445, 447
       1082                                                        KSCms-UHC-HW-H predefined CMap 445, 447
   stream 60-62, 1100                                              KSCms-UHC-HW-V predefined CMap 445, 447
   trailer 97, 107, 713                                            KSCms-UHC-V predefined CMap 445, 447
   true 52, 58                                                     KSCpc-EUC-H predefined CMap 445, 447
   xref 93, 97, 106, 1030
Keywords entry (document information dictionary) 844
Kids entry                                                         L
   FDF field dictionary 717
   field dictionary 675, 688-689, 691                              L entry
   name tree node 162                                                  hint stream dictionary 1034
   number tree node 166                                                line annotation dictionary 626-627
   page tree node 143                                                  linearization parameter dictionary 1029
                                                                       media criteria dictionary 761
knockout groups 531, 539-542, 558
                                                                       software identifier dictionary 780-781
   and backdrop color removal 538
                                                                       Web Capture command dictionary 958
   blend mode 540
   compositing in 540-541, 558                                     l operator 196, 226, 231, 987
   group backdrop 534, 541                                         L standard structure type 901-902, 932
   group color 540                                                 L2R reading order 578
   group compositing formulas 540-541, 544                         L*a*b* color representation 254
   group opacity 540                                                   blending color space, prohibited for 519
   group stack 539                                                 Lab color space dictionaries 251
   immediate backdrop (group elements) 540-541                         BlackPoint entry 251
   initial backdrop 539-541, 558                                       Range entry 250-251, 287, 345
   isolated 541                                                        WhitePoint entry 251
   non-isolated 541
                                                                   Lab color spaces 237, 244, 250-252, 345
   non-isolated group, parent of 558
                                                                       as base color space 263
   non-isolated groups nested within 542
   object opacity 540                                                  blending color space, prohibited as 519, 557
   object shape 540                                                    color values 250
   and overprinting 569                                                default color space, prohibited as 258
   result alpha 540-541                                                and ICCBased color spaces, compared 252, 255
   result color 540-541                                                initial color value 287
   result opacity 541                                                  rendering 478
   shading patterns implicitly enclosed in 560                         setting color values in 287
   soft clipping 550                                                   See also
   for soft masks 547                                                      Lab color space dictionaries
   source alpha 541                                                labeling ranges, page 139, 594-596
   source opacity 541                                              labels, page
   source shape 540-541                                                See page labels

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