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    as white space 48, 56                                               linearization parameter dictionary 1026, 1028-1030,
line height 927                                                             1032, 1034, 1040, 1051, 1055, 1129
    Auto 927                                                            MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) 1022-
    Normal 927                                                              1023
line join style 211, 216                                                object streams in 1025
    bevel 216-217, 231                                                  shared object signatures 1045, 1130
    and dash pattern 218                                                shared objects section 1036-1037, 1043, 1045-1046,
    j operator 219, 986
                                                                        thumbnail shared objects section 1037, 1047
    LJ entry (graphics state parameter dictionary) 220
    miter 216, 231
                                                                            first-page 1026, 1030-1031
    round 216, 231
                                                                            main 1038
    and S operator 231
                                                                        URLs (uniform resource locators) 1022-1023
    and Type 3 glyph descriptions 422
                                                                        version identification 1029
Line predefined spot function 488, 490                                  and World Wide Web 1022
line width, current                                                LineHeight standard structure attribute 905, 917, 922,
    See current line width                                                  927, 930
Linear 3D animation styles 800                                     lines (text) 897
linear interpolation 170, 322, 1105                                     stacking within parent BLSE 897, 905
linearization parameter dictionary 1026, 1028-1030, 1129           LineThrough text decoration type 928
    E entry 1029, 1034, 1129                                       lineto operator (PostScript) 46, 987
    file length in 1051, 1055                                      LineX predefined spot function 490
    first-page object number in 1029, 1034
                                                                   LineY predefined spot function 491
    H entry 1029, 1039, 1129
    hint stream offsets in 1032, 1040                              link annotation dictionaries 622-623
    L entry 1029                                                        Dest entry 622, 654
                                                                        H entry 622, 1114
    Linearized entry 1029
                                                                        PA entry 623
    N entry 1029
                                                                        QuadPoints entry 623
    O entry 1029, 1034, 1042, 1046
                                                                        Subtype entry 622
    P entry 1030, 1034
    T entry 1030, 1053                                             Link annotation type 615, 617, 622, 715
Linearized entry (linearization parameter dictionary)              link annotations 33, 615, 622-623, 648, 1114
         1029                                                           border color 607
                                                                        destination 581-582, 584, 622, 1114
Linearized PDF 41, 92-93, 149, 1021-1055
                                                                        and go-to actions 654
    access strategies 1051-1055
                                                                        highlighting mode 622
    background and assumptions 1022-1024
                                                                        and link elements (Tagged PDF) 907-909
    cross-reference streams in 1025, 1030                               Link standard structure type 906
    cross-reference tables 1025, 1040                                   movie actions associated with 664
         first-page 1026, 1030-1032, 1038, 1042, 1051                   and trigger events 650
         main 1028, 1030-1031, 1038                                     and URI actions 623, 1116
    document catalog 1024, 1026, 1030-1031, 1038, 1053                  and Web Capture 623
    document structure 1024-1038                                        See also
    first-page section 1027, 1032, 1034-1036, 1043, 1051-                   link annotation dictionaries
         1052, 1129
                                                                   link elements (Tagged PDF) 907-909
    generation numbers 1025
    header 1028                                                    Link standard structure type 890, 906, 910
    hint streams. See hint streams                                 links, hypertext
    hint tables. See hint tables                                        See hypertext links
    HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) 1023                          list attribute, standard
    HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 1022-1024                        See standard list attribute
    incremental updates and 1021-1022, 1032, 1051, 1055            list box fields 685, 693-694
    indirect objects, numbering of 1024-1025, 1032                      trigger events for 651
    inline images, retrieval of 1023                                    variable text in 677

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