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  widget annotations 642-643                               Movie entry (movie annotation dictionary) 639, 784
MOV (QuickTime) file format 1123                           movie files 784-785
moveto operator (PostScript) 46, 987                       movie operations 665
movie action dictionaries 664-665                            Pause 665
  Annotation entry 665                                       Play 665
  Mode entry 665                                             Resume 665
  and movie activation dictionaries, compared 664            Stop 665
  Operation entry 665                                      MovieActions entry (legal attestation dictionary) 742
  S entry 665                                              movies 33, 604, 784-786
  Start entry 665                                            asynchronous 786
  T entry 665                                                bounding box 784
Movie action type 653, 665, 1116                             controller bar 786
movie actions 653, 664-665, 1116                             and file specifications 183
  and movie annotations 664-665                              magnification (zoom) factor 786
  operations. See movie operations                           and movie actions 648, 664
  See also                                                   and movie annotations 639
       movie action dictionaries                             operations. See movie operations
       movie annotations                                     play mode 786
       movies                                                poster image 785
movie activation dictionaries 784-786                        rotation 785
  Duration entry 785                                         synchronous 786
  FWPosition entry 786                                       time scale 785
  FWScale entry 786, 1124                                    See also
  Mode entry 786                                                  movie actions
  and movie action dictionaries, compared 664                     movie activation dictionaries
  in movie annotations 639                                        movie annotations
                                                                  movie dictionaries
  Rate entry 785
  ShowControls entry 786                                   MP operator 196, 850-851, 987
  Start entry 785                                          MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer-3) file format 1123
  Synchronous entry 786                                    MP4 (MPEG-4) file format 1123
  Volume entry 785                                         MPEG (MPEG-2 Video) file format 1123
movie annotation dictionaries 639                          MR rendition type 759
  A entry 639, 784                                         MS entry (3D view dictionary) 804
  Movie entry 639, 784
                                                           Msg entry (UR transform parameters dictionary) 734
  Subtype entry 639
  T entry 639                                              MU entry (media players dictionary) 762, 777-778
Movie annotation type 616-617, 639, 715                    mul operator (PostScript) 176, 989
movie annotations 33, 616, 639, 784                        muLaw sound encoding format 783
  annotation rectangle 664, 786                            multi-language text array 942
  and file specifications 183                              Multiline field flag (text field) 691
  and movie actions 664-665                                multimedia 755-782
  plug-in extensions 614                                     floating windows 773-775, 1124
  title 665                                                  recommended media types 755, 1123
  See also                                                   trigger events related to 649
       movie actions                                         viability of objects 757-758
       movie annotation dictionaries                         See also
       movies                                                     rendition actions
movie dictionaries 784-785                                        screen annotations
  Aspect entry 784, 786, 1123                              multimedia features 755-840
  F entry 784                                                See
  in movie annotations 639                                        alternate presentations
  Poster entry 785                                                movies
  Rotate entry 785                                                multimedia

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