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   anti-aliasing 305                                                 backdrop 529
   background color 305, 309-310, 313                                in basic compositing formula 518
   bounding box 305, 308-309, 312                                    computation 526-529
   clipping 305                                                      current alpha constant 212, 222, 341
   color space 257, 305-309, 311, 315, 318, 320, 324                 notation for 517
   domain 175, 308-312                                               soft masks 516, 527, 550
   shading operator 303, 987                                         specifying 549-551
   shading type 307-331                                              See also
   target coordinate space. See target coordinate space                  constant shape
   See also                                                              group shape
       shading dictionaries                                              mask shape
       type 1 shadings (function-based)                                  object shape
       type 2 shadings (axial)                                           result shape
       type 3 shadings (radial)                                          source shape
       type 4 shadings (free-form Gouraud-shaded                 shape constant 527
           triangle meshes)                                      shared object hint table (Linearized PDF) 1033, 1043-
       type 5 shadings (lattice-form Gouraud-shaded                      1046, 1130
           triangle meshes)                                          group entries 1037, 1042, 1044-1046, 1129-1130
       type 6 shadings (Coons patch meshes)                          header 1044-1046, 1130
       type 7 shadings (tensor-product patch meshes)                 and page retrieval 1053
shading operator 196, 303, 987                                       shared object identifiers 1042, 1049
   sh 196, 289, 303-305, 509, 549, 560, 987                      shared object identifiers (Linearized PDF) 1041-1042,
shading patterns (type 2) 193, 262, 290, 302-331                         1049
   color values, interpolation of 306-307                        shared object references (Linearized PDF) 1041-1042,
   compositing of 560                                                    1049
   extended graphics state 302, 560                              shared object signatures (Linearized PDF) 1045, 1130
   gradient fill. See gradient fills                                 signature fields, distinguished from 1045
   and graphics state parameter dictionaries 220
   metadata for 846                                              ShellExecute function (Windows) 1116
   nonzero overprint mode, unaffected by 286                     shfill operator (PostScript) 987
   object shape 549                                              shift direction 897, 926
   smoothness tolerance 509                                      Shift-JIS character encoding 434, 444, 449, 1099, 1120
   and transparent overprinting 567, 572                         show operator (PostScript) 988
   and type 3 (stitching) functions 175                          show strings 388, 891, 893, 895
   See also
                                                                 ShowControls entry (movie activation dictionary) 786
       shading objects
       type 2 pattern dictionaries                               showing of text 388-391, 1057, 1060
                                                                     character encodings 425
Shading resource type 154, 303
                                                                     CMaps 453, 455
shading types 307-331                                                Identity-H predefined CMap 445
   type 1 (function-based) 304-305, 308-309                          Identity-V predefined CMap 445
   type 2 (axial) 304-305, 307, 309-310                              operators 407-409, 1108
   type 3 (radial) 304-305, 307, 310-314                             simple fonts 412
   type 4 (free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle meshes)                 transparent overprinting 569
       304-305, 314-318, 324                                         Type 3 fonts 422
   type 5 (lattice-form Gouraud-shaded triangle meshes)
                                                                 SI entry (Web Capture content set) 954-956
       304-305, 319-321, 324
   type 6 (Coons patch meshes) 304, 321-327                      Sig entry (FDF catalog) 714, 726
   type 7 (tensor-product patch meshes) 304, 327-331             Sig field type 675, 695
ShadingType entry (shading dictionary) 305, 308, 327             Sig object type 727
shadow, diffuse achromatic 248                                   SigFieldLock object type 697
shape (transparent imaging model) 234, 514-515                   SigFlags entry (interactive form dictionary) 672
   alpha source parameter 212, 223, 341                          signature dictionaries 725-729
   anti-aliasing 527                                                 ByteRange entry 725-729, 732, 734, 740-741

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