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    threshold arrays, converted internally to 495                   MacExpertEncoding not used for 996
    See also                                                        Symbol 416, 426, 1110-1111
        predefined spot functions                                   Times-Bold 416, 1110
Spot OPI color type 981                                             Times-BoldItalic 416, 1110
SpotFunction entry (type 1 halftone dictionary) 497                 Times-Italic 416, 1110
SPS content set subtype (Web Capture) 953-954                       Times-Roman 416, 1110
                                                                    ZapfDingbats 416, 426, 1110-1111
sqrt operator (PostScript) 176, 989
                                                                standard attribute owners 873, 913-914
square annotation dictionaries 625, 631-632                         CSS-1.00 914-915
    BE entry 611, 631                                               CSS-2.00 914-915
    BS entry 631
                                                                    HTML-3.20 914-915
    IC entry 631
                                                                    HTML-4.01 914-915
    RD entry 625, 632
                                                                    Layout 914-916
    Subtype entry 631
                                                                    List 914-915, 932
Square annotation type 615, 631                                     OEB-1.00 914-915
square annotations 615, 630-632                                     PrintField 915
    border style 611                                                RTF-1.05 914
    border width 631                                                Table 914-915, 934
    dash pattern 631                                                XML-1.00 914
    interior color 631                                          standard blend modes 520-525, 548
    See also
                                                                standard character sets 995-1017
        square annotation dictionaries
                                                                    expert 995-996, 1010-1012
Square line ending style 630                                        Latin 995-1000, 1111
Square list numbering style 933                                     for Symbol font 995, 1013-1015
Square predefined spot function 493                                 for ZapfDingbats font 996, 1016-1017
Squiggly annotation type 616, 634                               standard column attributes 932
squiggly-underline annotation dictionaries                          ColumnCount 917, 932
    See text markup annotation dictionaries                         ColumnGap 917, 932
squiggly-underline annotations                                      ColumnWidths 917, 932
    See text markup annotations                                 standard grouping elements 896, 899-901
SR rendition type 759                                               Art 899-900, 904
sRGB) color space 256                                               BlockQuote 900, 906
                                                                    Caption 900, 902-903
SS entry
                                                                    Div 899-901, 904
    number format dictionary 749
                                                                    Document 899, 904
SS entry (transition dictionary) 600                                Index 900, 905
St entry (page label dictionary) 596                                NonStruct 901
stack                                                               Part 899, 904
    graphics state 214-215, 219                                     Private 901
    transparency. See transparency stack                            Sect 899-900, 904
stacking of BLSEs 897, 905, 917-919                                 strong structure 904
    floating elements exempt from 898                               TOC 900, 905
Stamp annotation type 616, 635                                      TOCI 900
standard 14 fonts 40, 413-414, 416, 426, 893, 995-996,              usage guidelines 904
        1060, 1109-1110                                             weak structure 904
    Courier 416, 1109                                           standard illustration elements 896, 911-912
    Courier-Bold 416, 1109                                          clipping in 911
    Courier-BoldOblique 416, 1109                                   Figure 912, 916, 924, 931
    Courier-Oblique 416, 1109                                       Form 890, 906, 912, 916, 924, 931
    Helvetica 416, 1109                                             Formula 912, 916, 924, 931
    Helvetica-Bold 416, 1110                                        standard layout attributes for 916, 924, 931
    Helvetica-BoldOblique 416, 1110                             standard layout attributes 916-931
    Helvetica-Oblique 416, 1110                                     for BLSEs 916-917, 922-926

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