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PDF to RTF - Convert PDF to RTF format PDF to RTF Conversion - PDF to RTF Conversion Tool View PDF to Word Converter Download PDF to Word Converter Purchase PDF to Word Converter |
VeryPDF PDF to RTF Converter is
designed to convert read-only PDF to editable RTF files, even encrypted PDF
could be converted easily. It could convert PDF to RTF with high quality,
preserves graphs, tables and text layouts even curve, rectangle and hyperlinks.
What's more, it is a standalone PDF to RTF converter, so, you don't need to
install extra Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat or Reader.
PDF to RTF Converter Features:
PDF to RTF Converter retains the layout of the original PDF document, creating a fully-formatted and editable Microsoft Word document. PDF Converter separates text,
columns and images, giving you amazing access to text and data. Best of all, PDF Converter works with all industry-standard PDF files that were originally created from popular PC applications - including Microsoft Word, Quark and others.
Click here to learn more...
What are RTF (rich text format) files, and why should one use them?
RTF (Rich Text Format) is a standard file format which simplifies the exchange
of documents between different word processors and computer operating systems.
For example, one can send an RTF file created in Microsoft Word 2002 using
Windows XP to someone who uses Word 97 in Windows 98, WordPerfect 6.0 on Windows
3.1, StarOffice on a Linux system, or Word 5 on a Macintosh system and all users
will be able to open and read the file regardless of the software version or
operating system.
The rtf format can be produced by any standard word processor. Simply go to
"save as" and choose Rich Text Format from the options menu. The file you save
will have a .rtf extension, e.g. filename.rtf. If one normally uses Word
and saves texts in Word format with the default .doc extension, changing a saved
text to .rtf will not delete the original .doc file. One can also select rtf as
the primary mode for saving texts with one's word processor.
With received rtf files, most web browsers and word processors will recognize
and open the file automatically. With some word processors one may have to go to
the File-Open menu and then select either "All Files" or "Rich Text Files" from
the File Type menu at the bottom in order for the RTF file to be visible (if,
for example, you are using Word and the default for the File Type menu is to
show only DOC files).
RTF may be thought of as a more sophisticated equivalent of the "plain text" (ascii
text) format for universal document transmission. Plain text files were the
"original way" to send and receive by any user regardless of the word processor,
version, or operating system used by either the sender or receiver. However,
plain text files cannot include "text markup" data such as boldface, italics,
and underlining, not to mention tables and graphics.
RTF enables one to include all the text markup which had been in the original
Word, WordPerfect or other word processor document. An RTF file will look and
print exactly like the original. It can also be easily converted by the
receiver's word processor into .doc or other format for revision, and
reconverted back to rtf for re-sending.
Advantages of the RTF Format
There are several significant advantages to the RTF file format when one needs
to send or receive files from others, either via diskette exchange, e-mail
attachments or putting the file on-line in a web directory for others to
File Transparency
First is simply the ability mentioned above of RTF files to be read by the
receiver regardless of the type of word processor or its version or the
operating system being used. While in some cases this may be the most
essential requirement, the following may also often meet critical needs;
No Risk of Viruses
RTF files, unlike Word .doc files, cannot contain the numerous "macro" and
other viruses that plague Microsoft Word documents. As a consequence of all
the viruses that may be carried by Word .doc files, many business and other
e-mail servers refuse to accept e-mailed "attachments" which are in .doc
format. However, they will accept the same document in RTF, since the RTF
file cannot transmit viruses. This security against the risk of virus
infection applies regardless of whether your document would be conveyed via
diskette, e-mail attachment, or as an archived web file.
Smaller File Size for Text
If your document only includes text (including text markup, but no graphics,
sound files, etc.) then saving it as RTF rather than as a DOC file usually
also results in a considerably smaller file size. This means that upload,
download, and e-mail transmission times would be quicker, and one would have
greater disk storage capacity due to the smaller file sizes of your
documents. These may sometimes be considerable advantages.
Conversely, if the document contains embedded graphics, audio files, etc.,
then an RTF version may be considerably larger than the DOC version, as RTF
would have to convert highly-complex graphics information into RTF format,
which would involve a considerable amount of coding instruction.
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