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convert html to pdf

Convert HTML To PDF - PDFcamp (PDF Writer) + DocConverter COM
HTML, DOC, RTF, TXT, PPT, XLS to PDF File Converter - HTML Conversion Tool 

A robust server-side application treatment, VeryPDF HTML to PDF Converter provides you the simplest, most cost-effective strategy to convert HTML from practically any present into secure, printable PDF files. No matter whether or not altering HTML from a stream, a URL, or perhaps a static file, VeryPDF HTML to PDF Converter is effective but flexible API affords you total deal with much more than your PDF output, while a number of licensing options offer you unsurpassed versatility in deployment.

Should you convert HTML tables it's tough to pick the appropriate dimension together with the output PDF. VeryPDF HTML to PDF Converter has "Fit HTML Width to the selected PDF-Page-Size" choice. It assures correct results for tables. Altering to PDF you could should include your logo or other picture within the route of the qualifications. It might be merely completed with VeryPDF HTML to PDF Converter. PDF paperwork have attributes like Writer, Creator, Topic, Title. You might incorporate them later on on on with PDF software. You may encrypt the output PDF document getting a password using VeryPDF HTML to PDF Converter. In addition to, you may make use of customer permissions (duplicate, modify, print, and so forth.) to safeguard your PDF document from illegal use.

How convert a HTML to PDF file with DocConverter COM?
Step 1:
    Please download and install the PDFcamp (PDF Writer) software,
Step 2:
    Please download and register the DocConverter COM software,
    Please register the pdfout.dll file in your system, for example,
    regsvr32 pdfout.dll
Step 3:
    Please run the html2pdf.exe software from the Command Line Window to try, the html2pdf.exe software is included in the DocConverter COM package,
    For example:
    html2pdf.exe "http://www.yahoo.com" "c:\yahoo.pdf"
    html2pdf.exe "http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=pdf" "c:\google.pdf"
    html2pdf.exe "C:\example.doc" "C:\example.pdf"
    html2pdf.exe "C:\example.xls" "C:\example.pdf"
Step 4:
    Congratulations! You have converted HTML, DOC, RTF, TXT, PPT, XLS files to PDF documents now.
Step 5:
    Now, you can call the html2pdf.exe software from your Delphi, C++, VB, BCB etc. applications.

If you wish call DocConverter COM from your ASP or PHP language, please by following steps to try,
1. Please install the PDFcamp Printer into your server,
2. Please install the full version of DocConverter COM into your server (the trial version does popup a trial message box, this trial message box will block the conversion in server side, please notice this matter),
3. If you need convert MS Office documents to PDF files, you need install the MS Office application too,
4. Please make sure the "doc2pdf_service.exe" application is running, you can run "install_as_exe.bat" or "install_as_service.bat" files to install doc2pdf_service.exe into your system,
5. You can call HTML to PDF Converter from your ASP or PHP code now,

ASP code,
set PdfCreator = Server.CreateObject("PdfOut.PdfCreator")
ConvertHTMLToPDF1 PdfCreator,"http://www.google.com","google001.pdf"
set PdfCreator = nothing
function ConvertHTMLToPDF1(byval PdfCreator, strHTMLFile, strPDFFile)
'The first method to create a PDF file from HTML file
strPDFFile = server.mappath(".") & "\" & strPDFFile
dim strCommandLine
strCommandLine = """" + strHTMLFile + """"
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + " "
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + """" + strPDFFile + """"
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + " "
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + """" + "paperType=6" + """"
Response.write "HTML To PDF Command Line1 is: " & strCommandLine & "<br>"
end function

PHP code,
Example 1:
$url = ";
$path = "c:\\temp\\test.pdf";
$com = new COM("PdfOut.PdfCreator");
$com->html2PDF = $url;
$com->fileName = $path;

Example 2:
$PdfCreator =new COM("PdfOut.PdfCreator") or die("Cannot start PdfCreator");
$PdfCreator->Doc2PDFCommandLine(' "c:\input.doc" "c:\output.pdf" ');
$PdfCreator = null;

Example 3:
$url = ";
$path = "c:\\temp\\test.pdf";
$com = new COM("PdfOut.PdfCreator");
$com->Doc2PDFCommandLine("\"$url\" \"$path\" \"paperType=0,pageWidth=575,pageHeight=850,margin_left=10,margin_top=10,margin_right=10,margin_bottom=10,PrintHTMLBackground=yes,overwrite=yes\"");

6. OK, if you encounter any problem during HTML to PDF Conversion, please feel free to let us know.

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