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JPEG to PDF Converter - JPEG to PDF
JPEG to PDF Conversion - Convert JPEG to PDF file (jpeg2pdf, jpegtopdf)

What is JPEG?

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group. The file extensions for this format are .JPEG, .JFIF, .JPG, OR .JPE although .JPG is the most common on all platforms.

JPEG is the greatest image format for photo pictures which should be really small files, for instance, for internet sites or email. JPG image format is frequently utilized on camera memory cards, but RAW or TIF format might be offered too, to prevent it. The JPEG format is wonderfully small, frequently compressed to possibly only 1:10 of how big the initial data, the industry positive thing when modems are participating. However, this fantastic compression efficiency has a high cost. JPEG format uses lossy compression (lossy meaning "with deficits to quality"). Lossy implies that some image quality is lost once the JPEG format information is compressed and saved, which quality can't ever be retrieved.

File compression techniques for many other file formats are lossless, and lossless means "fully recoverable". Lossless compression always returns the original data, bit-for-bit identical with no question about difference. We are utilized to saving data to some file, and we can get the same data when we open that file at next time. However, JPEG format is the Lossy compression format, after you save your image to JPEG format, you will unable to get the original image data, because image data has been modified during DCT compression.

JPEG format is actually the right format for individuals photo images which should be really small files, for instance, for internet sites or email. JPEG format is frequently utilized on camera memory cards, but RAW or TIF format might be offered too, to prevent it. The JPEG format file is wonderfully small, frequently compressed to possibly only 1:10 of how big the initial data, the industry positive thing when modems are participating. However, this fantastic compression efficiency has a high cost. JPEG format uses lossy compression (lossy meaning "with deficits to quality"). Lossy implies that some image quality is lost once the JPEG format information is compressed and saved, which quality can't ever be retrieved.

You can run JPEG to PDF Converter application first, click "Add Files" button, add some JPEG files to file list, click "Make PDF" button, your JPEG files will be converted PDF file(s) automatically, please refer to following screenshot,

JPEG to PDF Converter

JPEG to PDF Converter does use /DCTDecode compression arithmetic to compress the JPEG data in PDF format, this arithmetic will keep the PDF file size as small as original JPEG format.

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