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       SECTION 8.3                                                        Page-Level Navigation

                             TABLE 8.13 Entries in a transition dictionary

Type   name      (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dictionary describes; if present, must be
                 Trans for a transition dictionary.

S      name      (Optional) The transition style to use when moving to this page from another during a
                 presentation. Default value: R.
                     Split         Two lines sweep across the screen, revealing the new page. The lines may
                                   be either horizontal or vertical and may move inward from the edges of
                                   the page or outward from the center, as specified by the Dm and M
                                   entries, respectively.
                     Blinds        Multiple lines, evenly spaced across the screen, synchronously sweep in
                                   the same direction to reveal the new page. The lines may be either hori-
                                   zontal or vertical, as specified by the Dm entry. Horizontal lines move
                                   downward; vertical lines move to the right.
                     Box           A rectangular box sweeps inward from the edges of the page or outward
                                   from the center, as specified by the M entry, revealing the new page.
                     Wipe          A single line sweeps across the screen from one edge to the other in the
                                   direction specified by the Di entry, revealing the new page.
                     Dissolve      The old page dissolves gradually to reveal the new one.
                     Glitter       Similar to Dissolve, except that the effect sweeps across the page in a
                                   wide band moving from one side of the screen to the other in the direc-
                                   tion specified by the Di entry.
                     R             The new page simply replaces the old one with no special transition ef-
                                   fect; the D entry is ignored.
                     Fly           (PDF 1.5) Changes are flown out or in (as specified by M), in the direc-
                                   tion specified by Di, to or from a location that is offscreen except when
                                   Di is None.

                     Push          (PDF 1.5) The old page slides off the screen while the new page slides in,
                                   pushing the old page out in the direction specified by Di.
                     Cover         (PDF 1.5) The new page slides on to the screen in the direction specified
                                   by Di, covering the old page.
                     Uncover       (PDF 1.5) The old page slides off the screen in the direction specified by
                                   Di, uncovering the new page in the direction specified by Di.

                     Fade          (PDF 1.5) The new page gradually becomes visible through the old one.

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