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      CHAPTER 8                                                              Interactive Features

KEY   TYPE         VALUE

D     number       (Optional) The duration of the transition effect, in seconds. Default value: 1.

Dm    name         (Optional; Split and Blinds transition styles only) The dimension in which the specified
                   transition effect occurs:
                      H               Horizontal
                      V               Vertical
                   Default value: H.

M     name         (Optional; Split, Box and Fly transition styles only) The direction of motion for the speci-
                   fied transition effect:
                      I               Inward from the edges of the page
                      O               Outward from the center of the page
                   Default value: I.

Di    number or    (Optional; Wipe, Glitter, Fly, Cover, Uncover and Push transition styles only) The direction
      name         in which the specified transition effect moves, expressed in degrees counterclockwise
                   starting from a left-to-right direction. (This differs from the page object’s Rotate entry,
                   which is measured clockwise from the top.)
                   The following numeric values are valid:
                        0        Left to right
                       90        Bottom to top (Wipe only)
                     180         Right to left (Wipe only)
                     270         Top to bottom
                     315         Top-left to bottom-right (Glitter only)
                   The only valid name value is None, which is relevant only for the Fly transition when
                   the value of SS is not 1.0.
                   Default value: 0.

SS    number       (Optional; PDF 1.5; Fly transition style only) The starting or ending scale at which the
                   changes are drawn. If M specifies an inward transition, the scale of the changes drawn
                   progresses from SS to 1.0 over the course of the transition. If M specifies an outward
                   transition, the scale of the changes drawn progresses from 1.0 to SS over the course of
                   the transition
                   Default: 1.0.

B     boolean      (Optional; PDF 1.5; Fly transition style only) If true, the area to be flown in is rectangu-
                   lar and opaque. Default: false.

      Figure 8.1 illustrates the relationship between transition duration (D in the transi-
      tion dictionary) and display duration (Dur in the page object). Note that the tran-

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