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          CHAPTER 8                                                             Interactive Features

BIT POSITION      NAME                    MEANING

12                ExclFKey                (PDF 1.4) Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in
                                          Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFor-
                                          mat flags are clear). If set, the submitted FDF excludes the F entry.

14                EmbedForm               (PDF 1.5) Meaningful only when the form is being submitted in
                                          Forms Data Format (that is, when both the XFDF and ExportFor-
                                          mat flags are clear). If set, the F entry of the submitted FDF is a file
                                          specification containing an embedded file stream representing the
                                          PDF file from which the FDF is being submitted.

          The set of fields whose names and values are to be submitted is defined by the
          Fields array in the action dictionary (Table 8.85) together with the Include/
          Exclude and IncludeNoValueFields flags in the Flags entry (Table 8.86). Each ele-
          ment of the Fields array identifies an interactive form field, either by an indirect
          reference to its field dictionary or (PDF 1.3) by its fully qualified field name (see
          “Field Names” on page 676). If the Include/Exclude flag is clear, the submission
          consists of all fields listed in the Fields array, along with any descendants of those
          fields in the field hierarchy. If the Include/Exclude flag is set, the submission con-
          sists of all fields in the document’s interactive form except those listed in the
          Fields array.

          Note: The NoExport flag in the field dictionary’s Ff entry (see Table 8.69 on page
          675 and Table 8.70 on page 676) takes precedence over the action’s Fields array and
          Include/Exclude flag. Fields whose NoExport flag is set are never included in a
          submit-form action.

          Field names and values may be submitted in any of the following formats, de-
          pending on the settings of the action’s ExportFormat, SubmitPDF, and XFDF
          flags (see the Bibliography for references):
          • HTML Form format (described in the HTML 4.01 Specification)
          • Forms Data Format (FDF), which is described in Section 8.6.6, “Forms Data
               Format”; see also implementation note 123 in Appendix H.
          • XFDF, a version of FDF based on XML. XFDF is described in the Adobe tech-
               nical note XML Forms Data Format Specification, Version 2.0. XML is described
               in the W3C document Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1)
          • PDF (in this case, the entire document is submitted rather than individual
               fields and values).

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