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      SECTION 8.6                                                            Interactive Forms

      The name submitted for each field is its fully qualified name (see “Field Names”
      on page 676), and the value is specified by the V entry in its field dictionary.

      Note: For pushbutton fields submitted in FDF, the value submitted is that of the AP
      entry in the field’s widget annotation dictionary. If the submit-form action dictio-
      nary contains no Fields entry, such pushbutton fields are not submitted at all.

      Fields with no value (that is, whose field dictionary does not contain a V entry)
      are ordinarily not included in the submission. The submit-form action’s Include-
      NoValueFields flag can override this behavior. If this flag is set, such valueless
      fields are included in the submission by name only, with no associated value.

      Reset-Form Actions

      A reset-form action resets selected interactive form fields to their default values;
      that is, it sets the value of the V entry in the field dictionary to that of the DV entry
      (see Table 8.69 on page 675). If no default value is defined for a field, its V entry is
      removed. For fields that can have no value (such as pushbuttons), the action has
      no effect. Table 8.87 shows the action dictionary entries specific to this type of

      The value of the action dictionary’s Flags entry is an unsigned 32-bit integer con-
      taining flags specifying various characteristics of the action. Bit positions within
      the flag word are numbered from 1 (low-order) to 32 (high-order). At the time of
      publication, only one flag is defined for this type of action; Table 8.88 shows its
      meaning. All undefined flag bits are reserved and must be set to 0.

                   TABLE 8.87 Additional entries specific to a reset-form action
KEY         TYPE                  VALUE

S           name                  (Required) The type of action that this dictionary describes; must be
                                  ResetForm for a reset-form action.

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