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CHAPTER 9 Multimedia Features
TransparentBoundingBoxOutline Displays bounding boxes edges and faces of each node, aligned with
the axes of the local coordinate space for that node, with an added level
of transparency. The color of the bounding box edges is determined by
the AC entry. The color of the bounding boxes faces is determined by
the FC entry.
Wireframe Displays only edges in a single color. The color of these edges is
determined by the AC entry.
ShadedWireframe Displays only edges, though interpolates their color between their two
vertices and applies lighting. The AC entry is ignored.
HiddenWireframe Displays edges in a single color, though removes back-facing and
obscured edges. The color of these edges is determined by the AC
Vertices Displays only vertices in a single color. The color of these points is
determined by the AC entry.
ShadedVertices Displays only vertices, though uses their vertex color and applies
lighting. The AC entry is ignored.
Illustration Displays silhouette edges with surfaces, removes obscured lines. The
color of these edges is determined by the AC entry, and the color of the
surfaces is determined by the FC entry.
SolidOutline Displays silhouette edges with lit and textured surfaces, removes
obscured lines. The color of these edges is determined by the AC entry.
ShadedIllustration Displays silhouette edges with lit and textured surfaces and an
additional emissive term to remove poorly lit areas of the artwork. The
color of these edges is determined by the AC entry.
Note: If a render mode type is encountered other than those described in Table 9.43,
the render mode dictionary containing that entry must be ignored by its consumers.
This allows future documents using new render modes to behave consistently with
future documents using new 3D view constructs that are ignored by older viewers.
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