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          SECTION 10.10                                                          Prepress Support

                          TABLE 10.56 Entries in a version 2.0 OPI dictionary
KEY         TYPE          OPI COMMENT                      VALUE

Type        name                                           (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dic-
                                                           tionary describes; if present, must be OPI for an
                                                           OPI dictionary.

Version     number                                         (Required) The version of OPI to which this dic-
                                                           tionary refers; must be the number 2 or 2.0 (not
                                                           the name 2.0, as in an OPI version dictionary).

F           file speci-   %%ImageFilename                  (Required) The external file containing the low-
            fication                                       resolution proxy image. (See implementation
                                                           note 175 in Appendix H.)

MainImage   byte string   %%MainImage                      (Optional) The pathname of the file containing
                                                           the full-resolution image corresponding to this
                                                           proxy, or any other identifying string that
                                                           uniquely identifies the full-resolution image.

Tags        array         %%TIFFASCIITag                   (Optional) An array of pairs of the form
                                                              [ tagNum1 tagText1 … tagNumn tagTextn ]

                                                           where each tagNum is an integer representing a
                                                           TIFF tag number and each tagText is an ASCII
                                                           string or an array of ASCII strings representing
                                                           the corresponding ASCII tag value.

Size        array         %%ImageDimensions                (Optional; see note below) An array of two num-
                                                           bers of the form
                                                              [ width height ]
                                                           specifying the dimensions of the image in pixels.

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