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            CHAPTER 10                                               Document Interchange

KEY           TYPE        OPI COMMENT                 VALUE

CropRect      rectangle   %%ImageCropRect             (Optional; see note below) An array of four num-
                                                      bers of the form
                                                         [ left top right bottom ]
                                                      specifying the portion of the image to be used.
                                                      Note: The Size and CropRect entries should either
                                                      both be present or both be absent. If present, they
                                                      must satisfy the conditions
                                                         0 ≤ left < right ≤ width

                                                         0 ≤ top < bottom ≤ height

                                                      Note that in this coordinate space, the positive y
                                                      axis extends vertically downward; hence, the
                                                      requirement that top < bottom.

Overprint     boolean     %%ImageOverprint            (Optional) A flag specifying whether the image
                                                      is to overprint (true) or knock out (false) under-
                                                      lying marks on other separations. Default value:

Inks          name or     %%ImageInks                 (Optional) A name object or array specifying the
              array                                   colorants to be applied to the image. The value
                                                      may be the name full_color or registration or an
                                                      array of the form
                                                         [ /monochrome name1 tint1 … namen tintn ]

                                                      where each name is a string representing the
                                                      name of a colorant and each tint is a real number
                                                      in the range 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the concentra-
                                                      tion of that colorant to be applied.
              array       %%IncludedImageDimensions   (Optional) An array of two integers of the form
                                                         [ pixelsWide pixelsHigh ]
                                                      specifying the dimensions of the included image
                                                      in pixels.
              number      %%IncludedImageQuality       (Optional) A number indicating the quality of
                                                      the included image. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3.

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