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VeryPDF PDF Stamp Frequently Asked Questions

1.Does pdfstamp support image stamping?
2.Can I stamp on encrypted or secured files?
3.How to register pdfstamp Command Line version?
4.How to use pdfstamp command line tool?

1. Does pdfstamp support image stamping?
A: Yes, pdfstamp supports the stamping of standard JPEG/TIFF/PNG images.

2. Can I stamp on encrypted or secured files? 
A: No. The pdfstamp does not support stamping on encrypted or secured files. The security needs to be removed for the stamp to be successful.

3.How to register pdfstamp Command Line version?
A: Please run "pdfstamp -reg ..." command in the Command Line Window, for example,

Please replace the "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" with your pdfstamp registration key.

Above dialog show that you have registered the PDF Stamp Command Line software.

4.How to use pdfstamp command line tool?
A: Start the DOS command line window (i.e. run "cmd" command from "Start Menu"->"Run"); then run the pdfstamp command from the command line window (pdfstamp software can be found in your pdfstamp command line installation directory) -- please refer to the following picture,


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