On Linux operating system, if you want to convert print spooling file of PXL to PCX format image, you can use the application PXL to PCX Shell for Linux to help you because PXL to PCX Shell for Linux is a tool specially developed for converting print spooling files such as PCL, PRN, SPL and PXL to image formats.
PXL to PCX Shell for Linux is free for evaluation. You can download it via clicking this link. The executable file of the application is packed in a zipped package and you can run it instantly after unpacking it into your disk. The name of the executable file is pcl2image and you can use it in the term in which you can input the commands for converting PXL to PCX.
For easy to input a short command, you can change the default current directory of the opened term window to the directory that the application is unpacked in. There is a simple command template for your reference when you input your own commands.
./pcl2image –i A.pxl –o B.pcx
In this command template, "pcl2image" stands for the called program, "A.pxl" following behind "–i" stands for the path of source file and "B.pcx" following behind "–o" stands for the path of target file.
PXL to PCX Shell for Linux is developed for Linux operating system use only, and you can run it with a script. To run it on a server, you need a server license. If you want to embed and redistribute this application in your software package, please use the developer license. For obtaining the licenses you need, please click here to enter the purchasing webpage.
PXL to PCX Shell for Linux also supports the following commands:
-i <string>: Specify input file, mandatory -o <string>: Specify output file name, mandatory -gw <integer>: Set width in pixel, optional -gh <integer>: Set height in pixel, optional -r <h>x<v>: Set resolution in DPI, optional -b <integer>: Set color depth with number 1, 8 or 24, optional -c <integer>: Set compression method for TIFF, optional
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