PRN to JPG Converter Shell for OS X is a great tool for Mac OS X users to convert PRN to JPG. It enables users to not only fulfill basic process from PRN to JPG and other formats, but also edit objective properties professionally.
Before you start this process, please open Terminal on your computer. Then, the following usage with an example can help you understand more about PRN to JPG Converter Shell for OS X:
pcl2image -i <input file> -o <output file> [option]
Where <> and [] stand for essential operation and optional operation separately in terminal. Here is an example to use PRN to JPG Converter Shell for OS X to convert PRN to JPG after you change current directory into the one where "pcl2image" is located:
pcl2image -i ab.prn -o cd.jpg -gh 640
Finally, please click "Enter" in Terminal, then JPG file can be produced in current directory.
To use more parameters during process from PRN to JPG, please click here.
Please go to this page, if you want to know more features of PRN to JPG Converter Shell for OS X.
For any concerns on trying or buying PRN to JPG Converter Shell for OS X, you are welcomed to go to try and buy page.
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