The application PRN to TIFF Converter Shell for Debian is an application which is specially designed for Debian Linux system. If you want to convert your print file such as PRN, PCL, PXL or SPL to TIFF or Fax on Linux system, you can choose this application as your assistant. By using it, you can freely set image size by customizing the width and height, control image resolution, etc.
Via clicking here, you can download the application to your computer. If you want to use it, please extract the packed package to some location, which will be enough for using the application without any installation steps. To know how to convert PRN to TIFF, please see the following illustration.
For PRN to TIFF Converter Shell for Debian is a Linux oriented application and if you want to input the commands to make the conversion, you need to open term on Debian system. Then you can input the path of pcl2tiff file which is the executable file of the application, also the called program of the conversion into term and press "Enter" button to see its usage. There is a command template that you can follow:
./pcl2tiff -i <input file> -o <output file> [option]
There is a successfully run example below. If you don't understand the template, please see this one:
./pcl2tiff –i ./file/document.prn –o ./file/document.tiff –gh 845 –r 1200x600
The following contents are the explanation to the example:
./pcl2tiff stands for the path of called program. –i ./file/document.prn stands for the path of source file and you need to use the option
"-i" before the path. –o ./file/document.tiff is the path of target file. You also need to use the option "-o" before the path. –gh 845 is to set TIFF height as 845 pixel. –r 1200x600 is to set image resolution as 1200x600 DPI.
For running the conversion from PRN to TIFF, please hit "Enter" button and then you can search for the target file in specified location to check it.