PDF Font Extracting Tool is a tool program developed for extracting fonts from PDF files It can extract embedded fonts of PDF files and save the fonts in TTF (TrueType), CFF (Compact Font Format), and AFM (Adobe Font Metrics). Given the correct password, it can extract fonts from password encrypted PDF files.
If you want to collect good fonts from existing PDF files, and use the fonts in other occasions, PDF Font Extracting Tool will be a helper. PDF Font Extracting Tool is free for trial. You can download the program and evaluate it for free. The program is portable and runnable after being unpacked onto your computer.
The following commands are used for extracting embedded fonts from PDF file fonts.pdf, and saving the font files to the directory font_folder.
pdffont.exe fonts.pdf font_folder
In the command line pdffont.exe is the executable file in of the program.
If the PDF file is protected by an owner password, if have to use the following commands,
pdffont.exe -opw OWNERPWD fonts.pdf font_folderIn the command line, option -opw transfers the owner password OWNERPWD to the program and make the program able to extract the fonts.
If the PDF file is encrypted by a user password, you have to use the following commands,
pdffont.exe -upw USERPWD fonts.pdf font_folderIn the command line, the correct user password is given following the option -upw.
If you want to extract fonts from specific pages of the PDF file, use the following commands,
pdffont.exe -f 3 -l 5 fonts.pdf font_folderThis command line will only extract the fonts used in pages from 3 to 5 of the PDF file.
PDF Font Extracting Tool is a special tool program designed for special function of extracting embedded fonts of PDF files.
Note: If the fonts are subset in the PDF, the extracted fonts are possibly incomplete. Before using the extracted fonts, please make sure those fonts will be used under proper licenses.
Click the following link to see the features of PDF Font Extracting Tool.