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VeryPDF PDF Toolbox Command Line


PDF Toolbox Command Line

  • A multifunctional PDF tool.
  • Support various flexible options.
  • Cover most common PDF operations.

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Version 2.0

This is a brief introduction to using VeryPDF PDF Toolbox Command Line (for Windows), VeryPDF PDF Toolbox Shell for Mac, and VeryPDF PDF Toolbox Shell for Linux.

The three toolbox programs for different systems have the same commands and options. Each command appropriate for one version toolbox is also usable for the other two version toolbox programs. Here are the basic usage guides of the three version toolbox programs.

1. PDF Toolbox Command Line 2. PDF Toolbox Shell for Mac 3. PDF Toolbox Shell for Linux

PDF Toolbox Command Line

Firstly, download the package of PDF Toolbox Command Line and then unpack it to your preferred directory in Windows. The executable tool program is in the sub directory named "bin", which is "pdftoolbox.exe". Open a MS-DOS command prompt window and then you can call the program in the command prompt window.

The basic usage of PDF Toolbox Command Line is

pdftoolbox <input files> [options] <-outfile output>

where input files is for specifying one or more input file names, options is for setting options, and output is the name of output file.

Here is an example of merging three PDF files to one PDF. And only page 1 to 9 of the first PDF will be taken into the new merged PDF.

pdftoolbox A=file1.pdf B=file2.pdf C=file3.pdf -merge A1-9 B C -outfile file4.pdf

In the command line, A=file1.pdf B=file2.pdf C=file3.pdf are to indicate the three input PDF files with label A, B and C. -merge tells the program to merge the input PDF files, A1-9 means that only page 1 to 9 will be retained in newly merged PDF. -outfile file4 is telling the program to save the merged PDF as "file4.pdf".

This is just one basic example of using PDF Toolbox Command Line. For more usage guides, please just enter command pdftoolbox without any options and arguments, the whole manual will printed on the screen. Or you can go to the sub directory test in the directory of PDF Toolbox Command Line. There are examples in batch files for all commands of the program.

PDF Toolbox Shell for Mac

Download Mac OS version PDF Toolbox and then unpack it into your disk of your Mac OS X system. The program is packed in disk image format DMG, or you can mount the image as a partition and run the program. Open a terminal window in your Mac OS and you can use the program PDF Toolbox Shell for Mac. The executable file in sub directory bin, and usage rule of the program is as same as that of PDF Toolbox Command Line.

Here is an example of splitting a multipage PDF into single page PDF showing how to use PDF Toolbox Shell for Mac.

pdftoolbox mpf.pdf -split

In the command line, with using the option -split, the input multipage PDF file mpf.pdf will be split into separate single page PDF files.

For knowing other options, just type the command pdftoolbox without any options and arguments, and the whole manual will displayed in the terminal. In the sub directory test, there are examples saved as shell script, you may view them to understand usage of every command or option.

PDF Toolbox Shell for Linux

Before using PDF Toolbox Shell for Linux, download the package and unpack it to your disk mounted in Linux system. The executable in saved in sub directory bin, and it can be directly called in a terminal. The usage methods are as the same as those of PDF Toolbox Command Line.

The following command line is an example of encrypting a PDF with a user password using PDF Toolbox Shell for Linux.

pdftoolbox unenc.pdf -outfile enc.pdf - userpassword USERPWD

This command line will encrypt the input PDF file unenc.pdf with user password USERPWD, and save it as enc.pdf.

All other options and arguments are described in a manual and you can get it by just input the command pdftoolbox without any option and argument. In the directory test, there are example command lines saved as shell script for each command.

If you need this application, please go to the download and purchase page and choose a proper version for you.

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