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VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line

User Manual





PDF Stamp Command Line. 1

Introduction. 3

Features. 3

Limitations in the trial version. 4

Running PDF Stamp with command-line options. 4

1.Output and input file path. 4


2.Text stamping. 5

-AT. 5

3.Image stamping. 8

-AI 8

4.Graphics stamping. 9

-AL. 9

5.Page range. 9

-SR.. 9

6.Undo Stamp. 10

-SU.. 10

7.Register 10

-REG <string>. 10

8. Add a new layer for all stamps

9. Encrypt PDF file

Example. 10

Contact 11



PDF Stamp is an advanced product that enables you to stamp content into a PDF document. Besides images, texts, PDF Stamp is able to add links. These processes can be realized in a determined number of pages with precise control over the size and position, the stamped text and/or images become a permanent part of each PDF document. There is no limit to the amount of stamps you could apply to a single document and no limit to the amount of documents you can stamp, as special feature you can integrate PDF Stamp into yourself programs (Include client side and Server side applications). 


PDF Stamp lets you stamp watermarks such as "Confidential" on pages that include sensitive information or "Draft" on a preliminary PDF document to be distributed for review. You can stamp PDF document names, revision numbers, Date/Time stamps, bates numbering, pages numbers, contact information or any text that you need added to the file.


With the JPEG image support you can stamp company logos, author signatures, products, charts or any artwork in JPEG format. A Scale feature is provided with image stamping to easily increase or decrease the size of the stamped image, leaving the original image size intact.

Use stamp PDF to apply text, watermarks and backgrounds to a PDF document. With stamp PDF, users can customize the content, appearance and action of each stamp as well as combining multiple stamps into one stamp profile. This includes aligning and setting the size of each stamp, or even making your stamps behave like hyperlinks.


Using PDFStamp Command Line, you can:

Stamp text and dynamic text
Apply page numbers
Apply image watermarks (JPEG, GIF, TIF, TIFF, PCX, PNG, TGA, ICO, BMP, JP2, PNM image formats)
Specify the position, scale and angle of rotation for text and image stamps
Set actions for individual stamps
Use all of these functions in batch process
Add Bates Number to PDF file
Add printing, copying and changing permissions to PDF file
Add new layer into PDF file
Add notes to PDF file (more...)
Add new layer to PDF file
Insert barcode number to PDF file
Add Chinese, Japanese, Korea, Europe, etc. characters to PDF file
Insert transparent image file to PDF file
Insert image to PDF file with opacity option
More and more ...... (See Knowledge Base)

PDFStamp Command Line Features

Do NOT need Adobe Acrobat software
Support up to PDF1.8 document format (formerly only supported by Acrobat 9.0)
Support Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8, both 32 and 64 bit systems
Support stamp to the page header and page footer
Support image stamps with various image formats (eg. JPEG, GIF, TIF, TIFF, PCX, PNG, TGA, ICO, BMP, JP2, PNM image formats)
Support text stamps with various effects
Support graphics stamps (Line and Rectangle)
Output file (-o) -- Duplicates the original file with the file name you specify. Stamps are placed in the duplicate file, leaving the original copy unchanged
Stamp pages using the standard Base 14 Fonts and Windows System Fonts
Support Font Style, Font Size, Text Modes (solid, outline), Grayscale and RGB Color (0-255 RGB color values supported)
Top, bottom, vertical center, diagonal-top left and diagonal-bottom left
Stamp can be placed in the exact vertical center of a page (or the exact vertical center within a individual stamping space)
Enabling you to easily position the stamp in any location on the page
Stamp on Top of or Underneath the original PDF document page contents
Text can be stamped on Any Angle. Any positive or negative numbers, including decimal numbers may be used to specify an angle in degrees
Specify start and ending page numbers (page range)
As an alternative to specifying static values for the text, you can use stamping variables to stamp dynamic data. Dates, times, page numbers, file names are just a few of the variables available. See the PDF Stamp documentation for a listing of all Stamping Variables.
Support multiple line text stamps within one stamp item
JPEG, GIF, TIF, TIFF, PCX, PNG, TGA, ICO, BMP, JP2, PNM etc. image size can be increased or decreased. No need to adjust the image size in another application before the stamp
Wrap text to a new line if it would otherwise be too long to fit in its margined area
Support various hyperlinks (web links, go to page, open file, go to remote page)
Justification (it's only available for multi-line texts) -- left, right, or center
Support Bates Numbers
Support opacity (transparent watermark) for text, lines and images
Support add a new layer for all stamps
Password protection for PDF files with 40 or 128 bit encryption
Password protect opening of the document
Create "owner password" and "user password" protected PDF file
Prevent printing of the document
Prevent copying of text/graphics
Prevent changes to the document
Support add printing, copying and changing permissions to PDF file

Limitations in the trial version

Insert a watermark in the every page in the stamped PDF file, this watermark will be removed in the purchased version.

Running PDF Stamp with command-line options



[<-PDF> <file>  [-O <file>] ]

[<-PDFS> <dir>  [-O <dir> ] [-A] ]

[<-AT> <string> [-Pn] [-MLRn] [-MTBn] [-Rn] [-L]

[-U <url>]/[-GO <page no.>]/[-OP <file>]/[-GR <file> <page no.>]

[-Cn] [-H] [-FNn/-FT <name>] [-FSn] [-ML/-MR/-MC] ]

[<-AI> <string>  [-Pn] [-MLRn] [-MTBn] [-Rn] [-L]

[-U <url>]/[-GO <page no.>]/[-OP <file>]/[-GR <file> <page no.>]

[-Wn] [-Hn] ]

[<-AL>                [-Pn] [-MLRn] [-MTBn] [-Rn] [-L]

[-Cn] [-Wn/-Hn] [-LWn] ]

[<-AI>...] [<-AT>...] [<-AL>...] [...]

[<-SR> [-Sn] [-En]]


[<-REG> <string>]
[<-newlayer> <layer name>]
[<-encrypt> <-openpwd=XXX -ownerpwd=XXX -keylen=X -encryption=XXX>]


1.Output and input file path


-PDF <input file>

Open an existing PDF file to stamp.


-O <output file>

Write output to a new file, the default is stamp on the input PDF file.


-PDFS <input dir>

Stamp all PDF file below dir.


-O <output dir>

Write output to a new dir, the default is stamp on the input PDF directory.


                        process all subdirectory

2.Text stamping


Create a Text Stamp.



String is the content of the stamp that you will create. In your stamp the text to be stamped must be enclosed in quotation mark, as with all other parameters in the stamp content. Type texts exactly as you want it to appear.

With the following for Text in your stamp content:

-AT "Copyright verypdf.com Inc"


Using variables in stamp content

When you are working with documents, there is a lot of information that varies from document to document -- dates, times, filenames, etc. Even within a document there are things that change from page to page, such as page numbers or headers and footers. PDF Stamp software provides a large series of variables that access this dynamic information and stamp it into your document.

Note: All variables must be preceded by the slash (\) character. If the \ character is missing, the variable name will appear in the stamped text. If you want to use the \ character in a stamp it must be listed in the stamp file as \\.

Below is a table of all variables available showing the variable name, what it does, and an example.



Example Output


Local time

e.g. 10:10:10


Local date

e.g. 2003-12-30


Local date

e.g. 30-12-2003


Current page number

Maybe "Page \p" equal

"Page 3"


Current page number±a specified value

Maybe "Page \p+1" equal

"Page 4"


Total page number

Maybe "Total \c" equal

"Total 3"


Title of this PDF



Author of this PDF



Subject of this PDF



New line. Use for multi-line stamps

Sample stamp, line1

Sample stamp, line2

Sample stamp, line3


\ (Use when stamp must include backslash character symbol)




e.g. abc.pdf


Filename + file path

e.g. C:\abc.pdf


\B(Bates Numbers) e.g. \B(000001)


-Pn       (default is -P1)

-Pn identifies where on the page the stamp item will appear. Allowed values are Top, Bottom, Top-Left, Bottom-Left, Center etc. If Position is not included in the stamp option, PDF Stamp will use the default, Top-Left, and the stamp will appear at the Top-Left of the page.





Stamps on the Top-Left of the page. (default)


Stamps on the Top-Center of the page.


Stamps on the Top-Right of the page.


Stamps on the Right-Center of the page.


Stamps on the Right-Bottom of the page.


Stamps on the Bottom-Center of the page.


Stamps on the Left-Bottom of the page.


Stamps on the Left-Center of the page.


Stamps on the Center of the page.



[-MLRn] [-MTBn]

Offset from current position, n is an offset value, default n equal zero,


-MLRn:            Move to left or right n point

-MTBn:            Move to top or bottom n point

            For example:

                        .e.g -MLR10   Move to right 10 point

                        .e.g -MLR-10  Move to left 10 point

                        .e.g -MTB10   Move to bottom 10 point

                        .e.g -MTB-10  Move to top 10 point


-Rn      (default is -R0)

The Angle parameter provides more flexibility for stamp positioning. While a diagonal stamp will angle text at 45 degrees, the Angle parameter may be used to position a text or image stamp at any angle.

.e.g -R45 or .e.g -R315


-Cn      (default is -C0)

Specify the text color, range from 0x000000-0xFFFFFF, in decimal system, .e.g -C255,

For example,

Red Color: -C255 equal: 0x0000FF
            Green Color: -C65280 equal: 0x00FF00
            Blue Color: -C16711680 equal: 0xFF0000
            BGR(E1E1E1) = 225*256*256+225*256+225 = -C14803425
            BGR(128,128,128) = 128*256*256+128*256+128 = -C8421504
            -C option is also support hex format, for example,
            -C#FF0000, -C#00FF00, -C#0000FF


           -Opacity (default is -opacity100)
                        Specify the opacity for stamps, range from 0 to 100, this option will apply a transparent watermark into PDF file.



-L        (default is top most of all layers, overlay)

Use the -L parameter to stamp under the existing text and/or graphics of the input PDF document; the default is top most of all layers.

underlay              Overlay




Set Text mode option, if set this option, the text mode is Outline, default is Solid mode.

Solid                 Outline


-FNn/-FT name

Set Text font name, default is Times-Roman, you only can use one of them in one time,

-FNn can be specified one of the following values,

Font code (-FNn)

Font Name



























"-FT name" select a system font which installed in your system, for example, -FT "Arial".


            -FSn    (default is -FS16)

Set the font size, default is 16 point, for example,

e.g. -FS16


-ML/-MR/-MC          (default is -MC)

-ML/-MR/-MC are used to align text on document pages, it only available for multi-line text stamps,

-ML:   left alignment

-MR:   right alignment

-MC:   center alignment


[-U <url> / -GO <page no.> / -OP <file> / -GR <file> <page no.>]

-U <url>

Add a web link to a target URL on the Web.

For example: -U  "http://www.verypdf.com".

-GO <page No. >

GoTo Page , Opens a specified page in the current document.

For example: -go  3  .

-OP <file>

Open File, opens specified PDF document.

For example: -op  "open.txt"  .

-GR <file> <page no.>

GoTo Remote Page ,Opens specified page within another document.

For example: -gr  "open.pdf"  2  .


3.Image stamping


            Image stamping



String is the parameter that tells PDF Stamp software where to find the JPEG/PNG/TIFF image file to stamp; it must a full path, for example,

-AI "C:\input.jpg"


-Wn     (default is -W100)

-Wn parameter is used to increase or decrease the width of the original image when it is stamped onto the PDF document. A scale of 50 will make the image half (50%) its original width, while scales of 200 (200%) will double it.


-Hn      (default is -H100)

-Hn parameter is used to increase or decrease the Height of the original image when it is stamped onto the PDF document. A scale of 50 will make the image half (50%) its original Height, while scales of 200 (200%) will double it.

            Other options:

[-Pn] [-MLRn] [-MTBn] [-Rn] [-L] [-U <url> / -GO <page no.> / -OP <file> / -GR <file> <page no.>]


Please refer to -AT options; these parameters are same with the -AT.



4.Graphics stamping


Create a Line Stamp.


-Cn        (default is -C0)

Specify the line color, range from 0x000000-0xFFFFFF, in decimal system, .e.g -C255,

For example,

Red Color: -C255 equal: 0x0000FF
            Green Color: -C65280 equal: 0x00FF00
            Blue Color: -C16711680 equal: 0xFF0000
            BGR(E1E1E1) = 225*256*256+225*256+225 = -C14803425
            BGR(128,128,128) = 128*256*256+128*256+128 = -C8421504
            -C option is also support hex format, for example,
            -C#FF0000, -C#00FF00, -C#0000FF


-Wn/-Hn (default is -W100 (page width))

            Specify the line Length.

-Wn/-Hn parameter is used to increase or decrease the Length of the original line when it is stamped onto the PDF document. original line Length equal page width(-Wn). A scale of 50 will make the page width(-Wn) or height(-Hn) half (50%) its original Length, while scales of 200 (200%) will double it.

            e.g. -W80 

            e.g. -H50


-LWn(default is -LW1)

              Line Width.

.e.g -LW3


            -LineEx (x1,y1,x2,y2)
                        Draw a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2), eg, -LINEEX 100,100,200,200


            Other options:

 [-Pn] [-MLRn] [-MTBn] [-Rn] [-L]

Please refer to -AT options; these parameters are same with the -AT.


5.Page range



Pages to Stamp -- Specify Start page and page count, default is from first page to maximum page number.


-Sn       (default is -S1)

Start page number.


-En      (default is maximum page)

page count.


Set which pages to stamp on by selecting a predefined range:

o       Every page

Default, no parameter -SR.

o       Every odd page

e.g. -SR -S-1 -E-1

o       Every even page

e.g. -SR -S-2 -E-2

o       First page

e.g. -SR -S1 -E1

o       Last page

e.g. -SR -S-3 -E-3

o       Define your own page range

e.g. -SR -S3 -E2  (from 3 to 4 page.)

e.g. -SR -S3 -E5

o       Add stamp at any number of pages before the last page (more...)

e.g. -SR -RS4 -E2 (from LastPage-4 to LastPage-4+2)

e.g. -SR -RS1 -E1 (stamp at LastPage)



6.Undo Stamp


Undo Stamp.


Example :

Please reference file "undo.bat" in directory "example".



-REG <string>

                        Register pdfstamp soft.

                        Length of string must be 16 bytes.

                        e.g. -REG "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" 


8. Add a new layer for all stamps

-newlayer <layer name>

                        Create a new layer in PDF file to include all of these stamps,

                        eg, pdfstamp.exe -newlayer "VeryPDF New Layer" -PDF "example.pdf" -o "newlayer.pdf" -AT "VeryPDF New\nLayer Test"


9. Encrypt PDF file
-encrypt <-openpwd=XXX -ownerpwd=XXX -keylen=X -encryption=XXX>

                        Set user password, owner password and permissions to the stamped PDF file.

Options for "-encrypt" function:
-openpwd <string>   : Set 'open password' to PDF file
-ownerpwd <string>  : Set 'owner password' to PDF file
-keylen <int>       : Key length (40 or 128 bit)
    -keylen 0: 40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
    -keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
    -keylen 2: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
-encryption <int>   : Restrictions
    -encryption    0: Encrypt the file only
    -encryption 3900: Deny anything
    -encryption    4: Deny printing
    -encryption    8: Deny modification of contents
    -encryption   16: Deny copying of contents
    -encryption   32: No commenting
    ===128 bit encryption only -> ignored if 40 bit encryption is used
    -encryption  256: Deny FillInFormFields
    -encryption  512: Deny ExtractObj
    -encryption 1024: Deny Assemble
    -encryption 2048: Disable high res. printing
    -encryption 4096: Do not encrypt metadata

pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "encryption.pdf" -AT "VeryPDF Encryption Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -encrypt -openpwd=123 -ownerpwd=456 -keylen=2 -encryption=3900

Command Line Examples

//Transparent function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "opacity.pdf" -AT "VeryPDF Opacity" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -C#FF0000 -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200

//New layer function
pdfstamp.exe -newlayer "VeryPDF New Layer" -PDF "example.pdf" -o "newlayer.pdf" -AT "VeryPDF New\nLayer Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200

//Encryption function
pdfstamp.exe -newlayer "VeryPDF New Layer" -PDF "example.pdf" -o "encryption.pdf" -AT "VeryPDF New\nLayer Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200 -encrypt -openpwd=123 -ownerpwd=456 -keylen=2 -encryption=3900

//Bates Number function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "bates-numbers.pdf" -AT "Bates Numbers \B(0000105)" -p3 -mlr-30 -mtb30 -fs10 -fn300 -c#FF0000

//PDFS function, batch stamping
pdfstamp.exe -PDFs "C:\*.pdf" -o "C:\out" -AT "An example for '-PDFS' parameter" -p2 -fs32 -c2666666 -mtb200

//Page range function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "18.pdf" -SR -s-2 -e-2 -AT "Set which pages to stamp on by selecting a predefined range." -p2 -fs32 -c2666666 -mtb200

//Link function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "17.pdf" -AT "Supports web links" -p2 -fs32 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -r15 -u "http://www.verypdf.com" -AT "Supports page links" -p4 -fs32 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -go 3 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r15 -l -op "openlink.txt"

//Line function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "16.pdf" -AT "\d\n\t" -fs10 -p7 -c255 -mlr70 -mtb-50 -AT "Page \p of \c " -fs10 -p5 -c255 -mlr-70 -mtb-50 -AT "2003 verypdf.com Inc." -p3 -mlr-60 -mtb60 -fs10 -fn300 -c255 -AL -p2 -mtb80 -w80 -AL -p6 -mtb-80 -w80

//Image stamp function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "15.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p2 -r-45 -mlr80 -mtb200 -w300 -h300 -l

//Text stamp function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "14.pdf" -AT "verypdf.com Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c165296 -r-45 -mtb-100 -AT "verypdf.com Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c1652962 -r-45 -mtb-200 -mlr50 -AT "verypdf.com Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c16529621 -r-45 -mtb-300 -mlr100 -AT "verypdf.com Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c165296210 -r-45 -mtb-400 -mlr150 -AT "verypdf.com Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c165210 -r-45 -mtb-500 -mlr200

//Image rotation and position
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "13.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r-45 -mlr-70 -mtb-70 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r225 -mlr70 -mtb-70 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r135 -mlr70 -mtb70 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r45 -mlr-70 -mtb70

//Text rotate and position
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "12.pdf" -AT "verypdf.com Inc." -p1 -fs48 -c65296 -r-45 -AT "verypdf.com Inc." -p3 -fs48 -c65296 -r45 -AT "verypdf.com Inc." -p5 -fs48 -c65296 -r-45 -AT "verypdf.com Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c65296 -r45

//Web links
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "11.pdf" -AT "Supports web links" -p2 -fs48 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -u "http://www.verypdf.com" -AT "Enabling you to easily position the stamp\n in any location on the page" -p4 -fs10 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -u "http://www.verypdf.com"

//Wrap text to a new line if it too long to fit in its margined area
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "10.pdf" -AT "Wrap text to a new line if it would otherwise be too long to fit in its margined area." -p9 -fs64 -c2666666

//Image stamp, vertical center
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "9.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p4 -r90 -mlr-10 -AI "logo.jpg" -p8 -r-90 -mlr10

//Image stamp function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "8.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p7 -mlr30 -mtb-30 -AI "logo.jpg" -p3 -mlr-30 -mtb30

//hollow tridimensional effect
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "7.pdf" -AT "www.verypdf.com" -p9 -r45 -c2105376 -fs64 -mtb2 -mlr2 -l -h -AT "www.verypdf.com" -p9 -r45 -c255 -fs64 -l -h

//tridimensional effect
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "6.pdf" -AT "www.verypdf.com" -p9 -r45 -c2105376 -fs64 -mlr1 -mtb1 -AT "www.verypdf.com" -p9 -r45 -c255 -fs64

//Stamps can be placed in the exact vertical center of a page (or the exact vertical center within a individual stamping space)
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "5.pdf" -AT "www.verypdf.com" -p9 -c65535 -fn101 -fs48 -AT "www.verypdf.com" -p8 -r90 -fs48 -c12345678 -AT "www.verypdf.com" -p4 -r-90 -fs48 -c12345678

//Test Font Style, Font Size, Text Modes (solid, outline), Grayscale and RGB Color (0-255 RGB color values supported)
//Place stamp under original PDF page contents
//Text and Image can be stamped at any angle, any positive or negative numbers, including decimal numbers may be used to specify an angle in degrees
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "4.pdf" -AT "www.verypdf.com" -p9 -r-20 -c13684944 -fs48 -fn201 -h

//Grayscale Color (0-255 RGB color values supported)
//Stamp at topmost or bottommost of the original PDF page contents
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "3.pdf" -AT "Page \p of \c " -fs10 -p5 -AT "www.verypdf.com\n Demo" -p9 -r-45 -c13684944 -fs48 -l -fn301

//Test Font Style, Font Size, Text Modes (solid, outline), Grayscale and RGB Color (0-255 RGB color values supported)
//Top, bottom, vertical center, diagonal-top left and diagonal-bottom left
//Test multiple line text stamps within one stamp item
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "2.pdf" -AT "Sample File\nVeryPDF" -p3 -fn300 -AT "Copyright verypdf.com, Inc." -p6 -c255 -AT "www.verypdf.com\n Demo" -p9 -fn200 -r-45 -c255 -fs48 -h

//Text stamp
//page header and page footer
//Stamps are placed in the duplicate file, leaving the original copy unchanged
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "1.pdf" -AT "\d\n\t - (\f)" -fs10 -p7 -c255 -mlr50 -mtb-30 -AT "Page \p of \c " -fs10 -p5 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb-30 -AT "2003 verypdf.com Inc.\n\F" -p3 -mlr-30 -mtb30 -fs10 -fn300 -c2666666

//Register PDFStamp Command Line
pdfstamp.exe -REG "Your registration key"




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