VeryPDF Document Printer SDK is a software development kit that programmers can use to add the ability to print any printable documents to PDF/image from Windows applications with printing function in their own applications.
With the help of VeryPDF Document Printer SDK, software developers or programmers can freely integrate this utility or functions of it in application programmed in a language that supports Visual C++, Visual Basic, ASP, etc.
Below are some samples which illustrate the usage of VeryPDF Document Printer SDK on Visual Basic and ASP.
Operating Systems: all the Windows platforms, like Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 10, 11, Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2008 R2 and later systems – both 32 Bit and 64 Bit and so on.
The following programming languages are supported:C#, VB .NET, MS Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, VBA (MS Office products such as Access) and C++ via COM, C and C++ via native C.
Input formats: Any printable documents from Windows applications with printing function.
Output formats: PDF, PS, EPS, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PNG and more than 50 other formats.
Private Sub DocumentConverterDLL_Click()
Dim iret As Long
Dim strOptions As String
docPrint_Register "XXXXXXXXXX", "XXXX Corporation"
'Please run following command line to get more options for
'doc2pdf converter
'C:\>"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v3.3\doc2pdf.exe" -?
'-j <Subject> : subject
'-t <Title> : title
'-a <Author> : author
'-k <Keywords> : keywords
'-g <Page range> : page range for conversion, eg: 1,2-4,6
'-G : don't append suffix to filename for
' single page file
'-p <Output Flag> : a flag for PDF output
' -p 0: overwrite if PDF file exists
' -p 1: insert before first page if PDF file exists
' -p 2: append to last page if PDF file exists
' -p 3: rename filename if PDF file exists
'-b <Color type> : specify color type for output file
' -b 1: output black and white image file
' -b 8: output 256 colors image file
' -b 24: output True Colors image file
'-R <Rotate> : rotate page 90, 180, 270 angle
'-r <resolution> : set resolution in generated image file
' -r 300 : set X and Y resolution during document to
' image conversion
' -r 300x600 : set X and Y resolution during document to
' image conversion
' -r 200x300 : set X and Y resolution during document to
' image conversion
'-w <image width> : fix the paper width during document to
' image conversion
'-h <image height> : fix the paper height during document to
' image conversion
'-f <paper size> : set the paper size for HTML and XLS to PDF
' conversion
'-z <PrintZoomPaper>: set print zoom paper for MS Office
' document printing
' -z 12240x15840 : scale to Letter print paper size
' -z 11907x16839 : scale to A4 print paper size
'-V : view the generated PDF file automatically
'-d : hide MS Office printing dialog durning
' conversion
strOptions = strOptions + "-b 1" 'Create 1 bit image file
strOptions = strOptions + " -r 300x300" 'Set 300 DPI for
'Convert XLS to a multipage TIFF file
iret = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\test_excel.xls",
"C:\test1_excel.tif", strOptions)
'Convert XLS to a multiple single page TIFF files
iret = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\test_excel.xls",
"C:\test2_excel-%03d.tif", strOptions)
'Convert DOC to a multiple page TIFF file
iret = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\test_word.doc",
"C:\test1_word.tif", "-b 1 -r 300x300")
'Convert DOC to a multiple single page TIFF files
iret = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\test_word.doc",
"C:\test2_word-%03d.tif", "-b 1 -r 300x300")
'Convert DOC to a multiple page TIFF file
iret = docPrint_DocumentConverter("C:\test_word.doc",
"C:\test_word.pdf", "")
MsgBox "Conversion Finished"
ShellExecute 0, "open", "C:\test_word.pdf", vbNullString,
End Sub
Private Sub GDIDrawing_Click()
Dim iret As Long, n As Long
Dim s1 As String, xpos As Long, ypos As Long
Dim docinf As DOCINFO
' set up an initial font
Dim log_font As LOGFONT, new_font As Long, old_font As Long
SetOutputFileName_docPrintPDFDriver "C:\output.eps"
SetDefaultPrinter "docPrint PDF Driver"
If Not GetMyPrinter Then Exit Sub
With log_font
.lfEscapement = 0 ' desired rotation in tenths of a degree
.lfHeight = 12 * (-MyPrinter.dpiY / 72) ' 12 points
.lfFaceName = "Times New Roman" & vbNullChar
.lfWeight = 400 ' standard (bold = 700)
.lfItalic = False
.lfUnderline = False
End With
new_font = CreateFontIndirect(log_font)
old_font = SelectObject(MyPrinter.Handle, new_font)
' start a document
docinf.cbSize = Len(docinf) ' Size of DOCINFO structure
iret = StartDoc(MyPrinter.Handle, docinf) 'Start new document
iret = StartPage(MyPrinter.Handle) 'Start a new page
' print a simple line of text at position (1, 1) (inches)
For n = 1 To 10
PrinterText "This is Line " & Format(n), 1, 1 * 0.16 * n
Next n
' end page
iret = EndPage(MyPrinter.Handle) 'End the page
' end the document
SelectObject MyPrinter.Handle, old_font
DeleteObject new_font ' clear up the font
iret = EndDoc(MyPrinter.Handle) 'End the print job
iret = DeleteDC(MyPrinter.Handle)
End Sub
Private Sub GDIFuncs_Click()
Dim mytest As String
Dim width As Long
Dim height As Long
SetOutputFileName szOutputFileName
mytest = "This is a test!"
width = Printer.TextWidth(mytest) / 2
height = Printer.TextHeight(mytest) / 2
Printer.CurrentX = Printer.ScaleWidth / 2 - width
Printer.CurrentY = Printer.ScaleHeight / 2 - height
Printer.Print mytest
Printer.Circle (200, 200), 1200, RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub
'On Error Resume next
Set docPrint = Server.CreateObject("DocPrintCom.docPrint")
DocumentConverter docPrint, "VeryPDF.doc", "VeryPDF.pdf", ""
DocumentConverter docPrint, "VeryPDF.doc", "", ""
DocumentConverter docPrint, "VeryPDF.doc", "VeryPDF.jpg", ""
DocumentConverter docPrint, "VeryPDF.doc", "VeryPDF.png", ""
DocumentConverter docPrint, "VeryPDF.doc", "VeryPDF.tif", " -b 1 -r 300"
function DocumentConverter(byval docPrint, strInFile, strOutFile, strOptions)
dim strFullInFileName,strFullOutFileName
dim strRootPath
dim strAllOptions
strRootPath = Server.MapPath(".") & "\"
strFullInFileName = strRootPath & strInFile
strFullOutFileName = strRootPath & strOutFile
' Please replace "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" with your real License Key which issued by company
' Please notice, the trial version of docPrintCOM_DocumentConverterEx() will popup a message box,
' this message box will hang the ASP application, so docPrintCOM_DocumentConverterEx() function
' will not work from ASP code in the trial version of docPrint SDK product.
' However, you can test "doc2img.dll" instead of "docPrintCom.dll" in the trial version of docPrint SDK,
' you can call "doc2img.dll" from VB, VC++, Delphi, etc. program languages easily for test purpose.
strAllOptions = """-*"" ""XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"""
strAllOptions = strAllOptions & strOptions
nRet = docPrint.docPrintCOM_Register("XXXXXXXXXXXXXX", " Company")
nRet = docPrint.docPrintCOM_DocumentConverterEx("Administrator", "123456", strFullInFileName, strFullOutFileName, strAllOptions)
strHTMLCode = strFullInFileName & " ==> " & strFullOutFileName & "<br>"
strHTMLCode = strHTMLCode & "<A href=""" & strOutFile & """ target=""_blank"">" & strOutFile & "</A><br>"
Response.write strHTMLCode
end function
To know more usage about the SDK version of this application, you can download VeryPDF Document Printer SDK and have a try.
To get full version of the SDK version of this application, you can buy VeryPDF Document Printer SDK here.
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