1. HookPrinter SDK | 2. SPL to PDF Converter Command Line |
3. Spool File Page Counter SDK |
VeryPDF HookPrinter SDK is a toolkit for developers which can be used to capture print data from various different kinds of Windows printers. You can download it from here, unpack it to the disk, open a command prompt window with Administrator Privilege in Windows system,
In this Command Line Window, you can run "install64.bat" on 64bit system or "install32.bat" on 32bit system to install VeryPDF HookPrinter SDK.
After you install it successful, please print a document to an arbitrary Windows Printer which installed in your system, you will find following files appear in the "C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Temp" folder,
FP000XX.SPL and 000XX.SPL are captured spool files, in general, they are PRN, PCL, PXL (PCL-XL), Postscript, EPS, EMF-SPL, RAW etc. formats. You can use VeryPDF SPL to PDF Converter Command Line to convert these SPL files to PDF and other files easily.
"VeryPDF-HookPrinter.ini" file contains following options,
bCaptureSPLFiles=1 ; 1 to capture SPL files, 0 will stop to capture SPL files
strLicenseKey=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX ; Your License Key
strSPLOutputFolder=D:\downloads\spl ; Set the folder to store SPL files
strCmd=["E:\SPL2PDF\spl2pdf_cmd\spl2pdf.exe" "%1"]
; This is SPL to PDF Converter Command Line application, you can use this command line application to convert from SPL files to PDF files automatically
SPL to PDF Converter Command Line is a professional utility to convert .SPL format file (Print Spooling File) to PDF, TXT, Multi-page TIFF, JPG, BMP, PNG, TGA or PCX, etc. formats, it supports various kinds of SPL formats, include PCL, PRN, SPL, PXL (PCL-XL), XPS, PDF, PS, EPS, EMF-SPL, ZIMF, etc. formats.
E:\spl2pdf_cmd\spl2pdf.exe Product Name: VeryPDF SPL to PDF Converter Command Line Product Web Page: / Release Date: Dec 26 2016 Web: http://www.verypdf.com Web: http://www.verydoc.com Support: http://support.verypdf.com Description: Batch convert spool files (SPL, PRN, XPS, PCL, Postscript,
PS, EPS, EMF, PXL, PCL-XL) to PDF files. Usage: spl2pdf.exe [options] <in-file> [<out-file>] -width <int> : Set page width to PDF or image file -height <int> : Set page height to PDF or image file -rotate <int> : Rotate pages, 90, 180, 270 -margin <string> : Set page margin to PDF file -margin 10 : Set margin to 10pt to left -margin 10x10 : Set margin to 10pt to left,top -margin 10x10x10 : Set margin to 10pt to left,top,right -margin 10x10x10x10: Set margin to 10pt to left,top,right,bottom -pagelayout <int> : Set page layout that is used when opening the
document in Adobe Reader -pagelayout 0 : Use viewer's default settings -pagelayout 1 : SinglePage -pagelayout 2 : OneColumn -pagelayout 3 : TwoColumnLeft -pagelayout 4 : TwoColumnRight -pagelayout 5 : TwoPageLeft -pagelayout 6 : TwoPageRight -viewpagemode <int>: Set page mode that is used when opening the
document in Adobe Reader -viewpagemode 0: No page mode is applied, default option -viewpagemode 1: Show outline tree -viewpagemode 2: Show thumbnails -viewpagemode 3: Open the document in full-screen mode -viewpagemode 4: UseOC -viewpagemode 5: UseAttachments -vieweropt <int> : Set viewer preferences to Adobe Reader -vieweropt 1 : HideToolBar -vieweropt 2 : HideMenuBar -vieweropt 4 : HideWindowUI -vieweropt 8 : FitWindow -vieweropt 16 : CenterWindow -vieweropt 32 : DisplayDocTitle -vieweropt 64 : Non-FullScreenPageMode, use -viewerval to
set more options -viewerval <int> : Additional values used by -vieweropt 64 -vieweropt 64 -viewerval 1 : UseNone -vieweropt 64 -viewerval 2 : UseOutlines -vieweropt 64 -viewerval 4 : UseThumbs -vieweropt 64 -viewerval 1024: UseOC -viewerzoom <string> : Set viewer zoom ratio to Adobe Reader -viewerzoom FitBH: Display pages to fit the width of its bounding box -viewerzoom FitH : Display pages to fit the width of page -viewerzoom Fit : Display pages to fit window -viewerzoom FitV : Display pages to fit height of page -viewerzoom FitB : Display pages to fit its bounding box entirely -viewerzoom FitBV: Display pages to fit height of its bounding box -viewerzoom 25 : Display pages with magnification at 25%% -viewerzoom 50 : Display pages with magnification at 50%% -viewerzoom 1600 : Display pages with magnification at 1600%% -viewpage <string> : set start page when opening it in Adobe Reader -pdfver <string> : Set 'version number' to PDF file -pdfver 0: Generate PDF 1.0 file -pdfver 1: Generate PDF 1.1 file -pdfver 2: Generate PDF 1.2 file -pdfver 3: Generate PDF 1.3 file -pdfver 4: Generate PDF 1.4 file -pdfver 5: Generate PDF 1.5 file -pdfver 6: Generate PDF 1.6 file -pdfver 7: Generate PDF 1.7 file -pdfver 8: Generate PDF 1.8 file -pdfver 9: Generate PDF 1.9 file -pdfver 10: Generate PDF/X-1a:2001 file -pdfver 11: Generate PDF/X-1a:2002 file -pdfver 12: Generate PDF/X-3:2002 file -pdfver 13: Generate PDF/X-3:2003 file -pdfver 14: Generate PDF/A-1b 2005 file -producer <string> : Set 'producer' to PDF file -creator <string> : Set 'creator' to PDF file -subject <string> : Set 'subject' to PDF file -title <string> : Set 'title' to PDF file -author <string> : Set 'author' to PDF file -keywords <string> : Set 'keywords' to PDF file -openpwd <string> : Set 'open password' to PDF file -ownerpwd <string> : Set 'owner password' to PDF file -keylen <int> : Key length (40 or 128 bit) -keylen 0 : 40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher) -keylen 1 : 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher) -keylen 2 : 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher) -encryption <int> : Restrictions -encryption 0: Encrypt the file only -encryption 3900: Deny anything -encryption 4: Deny printing -encryption 8: Deny modification of contents -encryption 16: Deny copying of contents -encryption 32: No commenting ===128 bit encryption only -> ignored if 40 bit encryption is used -encryption 256: Deny FillInFormFields -encryption 512: Deny ExtractObj -encryption 1024: Deny Assemble -encryption 2048: Disable high res. printing -encryption 4096: Do not encrypt metadata -bookmark <int> : Create bookmark to PDF file -bookmark 1 : Use short filename as bookmarks -bookmark 2 : Use full filename as bookmarks -bookmark 3 : Use short filename without suffix as bookmarks -unicode : Enable Unicode conversion -noempty : Delete empty pages from PDF file -debug : Output debug message to console -skip : Skip existing output files, don't overwrite it -v : Print copyright and version info -h : Print usage information -help : Print usage information --help : Print usage information -? : Print usage information -$ <string> : Input registration key Example: spl2pdf.exe D:\in.spl D:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe D:\in.prn D:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe D:\in.eps D:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe D:\in.ps D:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe D:\in.pcl D:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe D:\in.emf D:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe D:\in.xps D:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe D:\in.pxl D:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe D:\*.prn D:\*.pdf spl2pdf.exe D:\*.spl D:\*.pdf spl2pdf.exe C:\*.emf C:\*.pdf spl2pdf.exe D:\*.* D:\*.pdf spl2pdf.exe -unicode D:\in.emf D:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe -margin 100x100x100x100 C:\in.spl C:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\test.emf C:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\in.emf C:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe -subject "subject" C:\in.emf C:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe -producer producer -creator creator -subject subject
-title title -author author -keywords keywords
C:\in.spl C:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe -openpwd 123 -ownerpwd 456 -keylen 2 -encryption 3900
C:\in.emf C:\out.pdf spl2pdf.exe -bookmark 3 C:\in.emf C:\out.pdf
Spool File Page Counter SDK is a toolkit for developers, it is a SDK product to count the pages in PDF, PS, EPS, PCL (PCL3/4/5, PCL5e, PCL5c), PXL (PCL6, PCL-XL), XPS, PRN, SPL, EMF, etc. files, it is useful for printer accounting software. Spool File Page Counter SDK does count the Black & White and Color pages in these files, it can also retrieve page width, page height and paper name from these document formats.
Spool File Page Counter SDK Examples:
Private Declare Function ReadInfoFromPSFile Lib "ReadInfo.dll"
Private Declare Function ReadInfoFromPCLFile Lib "ReadInfo.dll"
(ByVal fileName AsString, ByVal bIsRenderToPDF As Integer, ByRef bwPageCount
As Integer, ByRefcolorPageCount As Integer, ByRef copyCount As Integer,
ByRef pagewidth As Double, ByRefpageheight As Double, ByVal paperSizeName
As String) As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)Handles Button1.Click
Dim bIsRenderToPDF As Integer
Dim bwPageCount As Integer
Dim colorPageCount As Integer
Dim copyCount As Integer
Dim nPageWidth As Double
Dim nPageHeight As Double
Dim strPaperSizeName As String
Dim nRet As Integer
Dim strMsg As String
Dim strFileName As String
bIsRenderToPDF = 0
bwPageCount = 0
colorPageCount = 0
copyCount = 0
nPageWidth = 0
nPageHeight = 0
strPaperSizeName = Space$(300)
strFileName = Application.StartupPath()
& "\test_tiger.eps"
nRet = ReadInfoFromPSFile(strFileName, bIsRenderToPDF, bwPageCount,
colorPageCount, copyCount, nPageWidth, nPageHeight, strPaperSizeName)
strMsg = strMsg + "FileName
= " +
strFileName + vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "bIsRenderToPDF
= " + CStr(bIsRenderToPDF)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "bwPageCount
= " + CStr(bwPageCount)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "colorPageCount
= " + CStr(colorPageCount)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "copyCount
= " + CStr(copyCount)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "PageWidth
= " + CStr(nPageWidth)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "PageHeight
= " + CStr(nPageHeight)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "PaperSizeName
= " + CStr(strPaperSizeName)
+ vbCrLf
strFileName = Application.StartupPath()
& "\test_grid.pcl"
nRet = ReadInfoFromPCLFile(strFileName, bIsRenderToPDF, bwPageCount,
colorPageCount, copyCount, nPageWidth, nPageHeight, strPaperSizeName)
strMsg = ""
strMsg = strMsg + "FileName
= " +
strFileName + vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "bIsRenderToPDF
= " + CStr(bIsRenderToPDF)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "bwPageCount
= " + CStr(bwPageCount)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "colorPageCount
= " + CStr(colorPageCount)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "copyCount
= " + CStr(copyCount)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "PageWidth
= " + CStr(nPageWidth)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "PageHeight
= " + CStr(nPageHeight)
+ vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg + "PaperSizeName
= " + CStr(strPaperSizeName)
+ vbCrLf
End Sub
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