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PDF Text Replacer $39.95


PDF Text Replacer

  • Replace specified text in specified page position.
  • Replace found words with given words or images.
  • Replace all matched text in multiple PDF files in batches.

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VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer can replace PDF text with text and image, which now supports command line operation, which can search and replace text with text or image by command line. This article shows you how to search and replace PDF text by command line.

1. Download and install 2. Replace text with text
3. Replace text with image 4. All command line options
5. PDF Text Replacer Command Line Standalone Version (pdftr.exe)

Download and install PDF Text Replacer GUI version

VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer is try-before-use and you may download and install it for free. After install the application, you will see the command line program, replace.exe, in the installation directory of the application. Open a command prompt window and you will be able to run the command line program.

Replace text with text by replace.exe in PDF Text Replacer GUI Version

The following command line can be used for searching and replacing text with text.

replace in.pdf out.pdf -mode 1 -oldtext Daily -newtext Monthly

With the command line, the program, replace, searches the text Daily in input PDF file in.pdf, and then replace the text with Monthly. The output PDF file with text replaced will be saved as out.pdf. Option -mode 1 tells program to replace with text, -oldtext specifies the text to be replaced, and -newtext specifies the text to replace with.

Replace text with image by replace.exe in PDF Text Replacer GUI Version

To search and replace text with image, you may use the following command line.

replace.exe in.pdf out.pdf -mode 2 -oldtext Daily -image day.png

The program follows the commands and replaces the text Daily with image day.png. Option -mode 2 switches the program to replace text with image, and -image specifies the image to replace with. It supports image formats of BMP, GIF, TIFF, JPEG and PNG.

The program can set the width and height of image when replace with image as in the following command line.

replace.exe in.pdf out.pdf -mode 2 -oldtext Daily -image day.png -imgwidth 80 -imgheight 40

In the command line, option -imgwidth 80 sets the image width to 80 pixels, and -imgheight sets the image height to 40 pixels.

All Command Line Options in replace.exe (included in PDF Text Replacer GUI Version)

Run the program without any argument or option like the following,


And then the command prompt window will display the option description of the program as the followings.

-mode <int>       : Replace mode.
                1 : Replace with text.
                2 : Replace with image.
-oldtext <string> : Specify text to replace.
-newtext <string> : Specify text to replace with.
-image <string>   : Specify image to replace with.
                    Support BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and TIFF.
-imgwidth <int>   : Set width for the new image, unit: pixel.
-imgheight <int>  : Set height for the new image, unit: pixel.
-$ <string>       : Register the program.

PDF Text Replacer Command Line Standalone Version (pdftr.exe)

VeryPDF has a standalone version of PDF Text Replacer Command Line application (pdftr.exe), this standalone version of PDF Text Replacer Command Line has more functions than "replace.exe" which included in PDF Text Replacer GUI application.

Release Note for standalone version of PDF Text Replacer Command Line (pdftr.exe).

Download and Evaluate PDF Text Replacer Command Line (pdftr.exe) standalone version.

Purchase PDF Text Replacer Command Line (pdftr.exe) standalone version.

Refer to more articles for PDF Text Replacer Command Line (pdftr.exe) application.

Command Line options in PDF Text Replacer Command Line application (pdftr.exe),

Web: http://www.verypdf.com
Email: support@verypdf.com
VeryPDF PDF Text Replacer Command Line v3.0
Batch replace or overlay text with text or image to PDF pages.
Support input format:
  1. PDF: Adobe Acrobat PDF file format
Support output format:
  1. PDF: Adobe Acrobat PDF file format
Usage: pdftr.exe [options] <Input-file> <Output-file>
  -pagerange <string>           : set page range for search keywords, e.g., 1,3-5,7,9-
  -opw <string>                 : owner password (for encrypted files)
  -upw <string>                 : user password (for encrypted files)
  -searchtext <string>          : search text in PDF pages and show result to console
  -uncompress                   : uncompress the PDF file
  -contentreplace <string>      : replace text in page content objects directly
  -searchandoverlaytext <string>: search and overlay text to PDF pages
  -overlaytextfontname <string> : set overlay text fontname, default is 'Arial'
  -overlaytextfontsize <string> : set overlay text font size, default is 0 for auto
  -overlaytextcolor <string>    : set overlay text color, in Hex, default is 000000
  -overlaybgcolor <string>      : set overlay text background color, in Hex, default is FFFFFF
  -oldtext <string>             : specify text to replace
  -newtext <string>             : specify text to replace with
  -image <string>               : specify image to replace with, support JPEG, PNG and TIFF
  -imgwidth <int>               : set width for the new image, unit: pixel, default is 0 for auto, -1 for full image width
  -imgheight <int>              : set height for the new image, unit: pixel, default is 0 for auto, -1 for full image height
  -skip                         : don't overwrite an output file if it already exists
  -h                            : print usage information
  -help                         : print usage information
  --help                        : print usage information
  -?                            : print usage information
  -$ <string>                   : input your license key
   pdftr.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
   pdftr.exe -uncompress D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -contentreplace "My Name=>Your Name" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -contentreplace "My Name=>Your Name" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -searchandoverlaytext "My Name=>Your Name" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -searchandoverlaytext "My Name=><IMAGE>D:\temp\myname.png*20*20" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -pagerange 1-3 -contentreplace "Old Text=>New Text||VeryPDF=>VeryDOC||My Name=>Your Name" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -searchtext "string" C:\in.pdf
   pdftr.exe -pagerange 1 -searchtext "string" C:\in.pdf
   pdftr.exe -pagerange 1 -searchandoverlaytext "Old Text=>New Text||VeryPDF=>VeryDOC||My Name=>Your Name" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -overlaytextfontname "Arial" -overlaytextcolor FF0000 -overlaybgcolor 00FF00 -searchandoverlaytext "Old Text=>New Text||VeryPDF=>VeryDOC||My Name=>Your Name" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -opw 123 -upw 456 -contentreplace "Old Text=>New Text||VeryPDF=>VeryDOC||My Name=>Your Name" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -searchandoverlaytext "PDFcamp Printer=>VeryPDF Printer" -overlaytextfontsize 8 D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -searchandoverlaytext "PDFcamp Printer=>VeryPDF Printer" -overlaytextfontsize 80% D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -oldtext "Old Text" -newtext "New Text" D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -oldtext "Old Text" -image D:\test.png D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -oldtext "Old Text" -image D:\test.png -imgwidth 20 -imgheight 50 D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -oldtext "Old Text" -image D:\test.png -imgwidth -1 -imgheight -1 D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf
   pdftr.exe -oldtext "Old Text" -image D:\test.png -imgwidth 0 -imgheight 0 D:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf

Batch process examples:
   for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do pdftr.exe -contentreplace "My Name=>Your Name" "%F" "out_%~nF.pdf"
   for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do pdftr.exe -searchandoverlaytext "My Name=>Your Name" "%F" "C:\test\%~nF.pdf"
   for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do pdftr.exe -skip "%F" "C:\test\%~nF.pdf"
   for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do pdftr.exe -oldtext "Old Text" -newtext "New Text" "%F" "C:\test\%~nF.pdf"
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