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Convert HTML webpage to JPG by command line on Mac

VeryPDF HTML to Any Converter Command Line is a multifunction application developed for converting HTML online and local files to images, office document formats and PDF, EPS, PS. It is a cross-platform application, and you may get the Windows version, Mac OS X version and Linux for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

JPG or JPEG is a popular image format for storing images. This format provides a good balance between file size and image quality. You can use JPG images as thumbnails to preview webpages before loading the webpages. You may use VeryPDF HTML to Any Converter Command Line to create JPG thumbnails for your webpages.

This article is based on the usage of VeryPDF HTML to Any Converter Command Line in Mac OS X. Because the usages of the three versions are the same, and the instructions in this article are also practical in Windows and Linux.

Download the disk image package of Mac version VeryPDF HTML to Any Converter Command Line and then mounted it to the Mac OS X system. The executable file html2any is in folder bin in the package. Open a terminal and then you are free to run the application.

The basic commands to convert a webpage to JPG image is as the follow,

html2any index.html preview.jpg

You can control the storage size of created JPG image to reduce the loading time.

html2any -quality 64 index.html preview.jpg

In the above command line, the program html2any considers the option -quality and set the JPG image quality to 64% to reduce the storage size.

The article briefly shows how to convert HTML to JPG by VeryPDF HTML to Any Converter Command Line in Mac OS X. The application has more useful options and functions, and you may learn the usages from the readme file or examples in folder test.

To learn more about the application, please click the link to see the features of VeryPDF HTML to Any Converter Command Line.

Discount 45% ($49.90) to buy PDF to Word Converter, PDF to Excel Converter, and PDF to PowerPoint Converter.

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