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PDF Decrypter Command Line

You may protect your PDF documents with user password that anybody who does not know the user password cannot open the PDF file. However, there always are some protected PDF files having expired the protection period, and needing to be published without any restriction. Now you must need the tool PDF Decrypter Command Line that is excellent in removing user password of PDF.

PDF Decrypter Command Line has been developed with three versions which are especially for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The functions and usages of the programs of the three versions are the same. If you have leant how to use the Linux version, you will feel easy to use the other two ones of Windows version and Mac OS version.

This article will show how to decrypt a user password protected PDF with Linux version PDF Decrypter Command Line. Download the package and then unpack it into any directory of your Linux system. The executable file is saved in directory bin, and you can run it within a terminal.

The commands to remove a known user password of a PDF are in the following command line.

pdftoolbox protected.pdf -inputpassword UPWDTORM -outfile unprot.pdf

With the command line, program pdftoolbox uses the open password UPWDTORM to open the input PDF file protected.pdf and then saves a new PDF as unprot.pdf without user password. The option -inputpassword indicates the user password following it, and -outfile specifies the name to save the new PDF file. Now the newly saved PDF unprot.pdf is no longer protected by the user password, and anyone can open the PDF without inputting the user password.

PDF Decrypter Command Line is not only just a user password remover, but it is also a powerful PDF toolbox. It can merge, split, encrypt and organize PDF pages. Run the program without any option or argument, then you will see whole the brief manual showing all options supported by PDF Decrypter Command Line. There are examples for all the options in sub directory test, you will know the usage of each option and function from those examples.

Click the following link to see the
Features of PDF Attachment Packer.

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