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PDF Splitting Tool

PDF Splitting Tool is a used for splitting multipage PDF files to single page PDF files. It has three versions for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The three PDF Splitting Tool programs have the same functions and options.

If you have to split PDF files in some situations, the tool is what you want. It is easy to use in splitting PDF.

This article is mainly about using the Linux version program to split a PDF in CentOS. Because the Linux version program has the same functions and options as those of Mac OS and Windows versions, you can learn the usage for Mac OS and Windows version from the following descriptions.

Download PDF Splitting Tool in a package, and then unpack the package to the disk of your Linux system. Choose a proper directory to save the whole unpacked directory and set proper permissions for the files in the directory. Then you can use the program by a terminal.

The usage rule of the program is

pdftoolbox <input files> [options] <-outfile output>

Strings in field input files are for specifying an input file, and in field output are for specifying names for saving created PDF. Field of options is for specifying options for specified operations.

Here is a concrete example showing how to use the program to split a multipage PDF files.

pdftoolbox mp.pdf -outfile sg%3d.pdf -split

Option -split tells the program to split PDF. With this command line, the PDF file mp.pdf will be split and saved as ,sg1.pdf, sg2.pdf, etc. The string %3d means that the output PDF files will have 3-digit numbers in their names. You can use 4-digit number with %4d. If you do not give the % label, only the first page of the input PDF mp.pdf will be retained.

PDF Splitting Tool is not only a PDF splitting tool, and you learn more options and their examples in sub directory test of the program directory.

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Features of VeryPDF PDF Splitting Tool.

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